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The reason I left beacon hills, well to some it all up all of my so called "Friends" turned into assholes that hated me with every inch of thier beings after the nogitsune killed allison. So after a while I confronted them about thier shit and they kicked me out of the pack. It hurt so much I just couldn't stand to see them, so I did what I had to do I left. My dad suprisingly let me go without any threats to lock me up in a holding cell for the rest of my life, I went to New York.

I've changed quite a bit since then yup that scrawny spaz af a boy is long gone. I stand around 6'3 I have the same hair but I grew it out from that stupid buzz cut and usually style it into a quiff the ends tinged black. I have tatoos all over my chest, stomach, arms and neck, also did I mention that I have a six pack? no?... well now you know. I've made a name for myself here people run when they see me coming, and I love it. You see I'm not human now, well I wasn't ever exactly human let me explain I'm somthing special a hybrid if you will, I'm a werewolf yes but stronger than any werewolf you will meet stronger than an alpha, stronger than Deucalion even. Faster, stronger, better hearing, sight and all that jazz but my eyes aren't like thier's mine glow a different colour, mine glow green. P.S. I'm not a were jaguar.

I bet your wondering why and if I'm a hybrid of a werewolf what's the other creature? How did this happen? Why, I don't know the other creature, I don't know. What I do know is how it happened I live with a family friend I call him Uncle Bowie, he's really chill and let's me do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want, as long and i don't get killed of arrested, Now that dosen't mean that I don't do illegal thing it simply means I don't get caught.

I was walking home from school when an alpha stopped me he told me all of the potential he saw in me and offered me the bite, as you can probably tell I said yes.

Thats how it all started I quickly excelled in my ranking throughout the pack and the Alpha, Tyler became like a brother to me. I won all sparring and excelled on the pack training I went from omega to the Alpha's most trusted beta, with his dieing breath he gave his alpha position to me and said "Make me proud Sti." Some other pack members didn't agree and though that they would make better alphas so I had to take care of them. I loved this pack like family but I am Alpha and no one disrespecs me. We soon became the most freared pack in the contry maybe even the world, we were ruthless killers that showed no mercy. I may be bad but I would never force a pack member to kill someone if they weren't comfortable with it, someone else would do it instead I made sure every pack member knew this.

It's been three years but now I think it's time to go back home for a little after all I did miss my dad a hell of a lot, we kept in touch called every night and texted he visits whenever he can he's become sort of a father to the pack, but he dosen't know all the things we've done and he never will. I was going back tomorrow and I was hella nervous, so I decided to bring my best mates with me, Alice a short girl about 4'3 with silver eyes and long black hair usually tied up in a bun and also her twin brother Alex slighly taller at 5'6 but still not as tall as me he had the same hair and the same stunning silver eyes.

But right now I was finishing packing all of my stuff up before I went to sleep after all I did have a big day tomorrow and I had a feeling it wasn't going to go as smothly as I hoped.

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now