I love you

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Jacksons's P.O.V

Mate, Stiles is my mate. Wow I like that, yes I like that a lot! I pulled Stiles away by his arm from Scott who was still fuming and glaring at us past the teacher. Once we were round the corner out of the packs view, Stiles interlocked our fingers and smiled at me not a smirk not an evil smile a real smile, a Stiles smile.

"I knew you the old Stiles was still in there somewhere!" I said and pulled him down so I could kiss his cheek, I blushed and turned away realizing what I just did. He stopped walking and my heart skipped a beat. This is. He's going to leave me, I was never good enough for him. But to my immense suprise he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my head and whispered.

"I love you, Jackson." My heart started beating double time as I grinned like the cheshire cat into his chest.

"I think I might just love you too." He pulled away and kissed me. it was gentle and full of love, we pulled away after a few seconds and just smiled at each other.

"I have a suprise." Stiles said and tugged me along the hall. A suprise?

Stiles' P.O.V

I had been planning this suprise since I found out Jackson was my mate, I know I technically don't have to even ask but I thought it would be nice. I led him outside to the lacrosse field where we first met.

"Th-this is where we first met." I looked at him in utter shock.

"You remember?" He gave me a 'seriously' look.

"How could I not remember where I met my best friend, until some other dude with a crooked jaw took you away from me." I smiled at him.

"Well now I'm all yours, so Jackson Whittmore will you give me the astounded pleasure of becoming my boyfriend?" He grinned and nodded.

"Do you also wanna have dinner with me, so I can tell my dad." He looked worried before I reassured him.

"He already knows I'm gay, the whole lydia crush was actually a crush on you and as it turns out the ten year plan does work!" He looked at me startled.

"I'd love to Stiles." My phone rang then I sighed and pulled it out of my pocket.


"Sorry Alpha, but I think you might wanna know that Alpha Darren is back he wants more territory." I rubbed the bridge of my nose, as one of my beta's explained the situation to me.

"Tell him he dosen't get anymore land it is our teritory, if he dosen't listen kill him and his pack." I hated Alpha Darren always think were equal because were both Alpha's, but I'm the one with the power here not him.

"Yes Alpha." She replied

"You have been very helpful Sandra, thank you for that." I could hear some yelling in the backround.

"Thanks Alpha, well gotta go bye!" With that she hung up the phone, I turned back towards Jackson who wasn't sure weather to be displeased that I would kill a whole pack or happy that I'm nice to my pack members.

"Pack is family." He smiled and kissed me.

"Let's skip and go on a date." I liked that idea, I pulled him back to my Jeep and drove to one of my favorite diners. At the diner we joked and threw curly fries at eachother but soon enough it was almost time for dinner with my dad.

"You ready?" I asked Jackson as we stood outside my front door.

"I guess." I laughed and opened the door to a rather amusing sight.

The next chapter will be longer :)

Vote and comment, please. Byeeeee


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