F@*k off Stilinski

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Jackson's P.O.V

Scott called a pack meeting to right now we were all sitting on the couch at Dereks loft.

"We have to figure out what stiles is!, he's definitly not human even using my alpha strength he still beat me." Scott ranted.

"Jackson! do you know what he is?" Scott asked snapping me out of my day dream.

"M-me wh-hy would I-I Kno-ow an-nything, oh look at the time a gotta go!" I scrambled off the couch at sprinted out of the room I could hear them calling my name but I didn't turn back, what was wrong with me? Why didn't I tell them about Stiles when I had the chance? I went outside only to realise my car isn't here Lydia drove me, guess I'll just have to walk. Just as I stepped outside it started pouring with rain, just great this is eactly what I need right now a nice plesant walk in the rain, not.

I was about half way home and I was completley and utterly drenched in rain, when a fimiliar jeep drove up next to me.

"What's a pretty thing like ou going out here in the rain all alone?" He questioned a devilish smirk playing on his lips, I kept my head down not looking at him.

"Fuck of Stilinski." He let out a deep chuckle still driving slowly next to me, damn his chuckly is sexy. No Jackson snap out of it, he's the enemy and probably not even gay so I shouldn't be thinking like this only to get my heart broken.

"Get in." He said, I stopped and turned to face him shocked.

"W-what?" He just rolled his eyes and motioned for me to get in the car, I debated it for a moment but when the rain started pouring down harder I made up my mind and jumped in the Jeep. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm but it wasn't working.

"I have a hoodie you cand change into if your cold." He said looking at me for a brief moment before turning his focus back to the road. I looked at him and nodded my head, he grabbed a bag from the back seat and tossed it to me, I searched through it until I found it then slid my soaking shirt off before pulling the classic red hoodie over my head.

"Thank you." I said grateful to be warm, the hoodie was very warm and it smelt a lot like Stiles, I wrapped my arms around myself again and turned twoards Stiles as he drove towards my house.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at him, he sighed.

"I don't know." I nodded not wanting to push him to far. As we turned onto my street I began to take the hoodie off but Stiles stopped me by putting his had on my arm.

"Keep it, it looks better on you anyway." He said, and smiled not smirked like this new Stile always seems to do no, grinned just like the old stiles did, the same grin I fell for and the same grin I'm falling for again.

I ducked my head to cover the blush that spread over my cheeks, thanked him and ran inside I closed the dorr and slid down onto the floor.

"What are you doing to me Stilinski?"

Stiles' P.O.V 

"What are you doing to me Stilinski?" 

I Since my hearing was better than the average werewolf, I could hear Jackson. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he said those words, damn I do like Jackson! What am I going to do about this he belongs to the pack that I want to destroy!, well my life just got sufficently more complicated. I drove away heading to go pick up some dinner for my dad since he's working a late shift. I looked in my mirror and freaked out accidentaly swerving into the wrong lane earning a few honks, I looked back and my eyes were back to normal. Once I get dinner I'm going to visit Deaton to try and figur out why my eye's were glowing pink.

Sorry this chapter isn't very long, the next one will be longer. and just to clarifiy Stiles did NOT steal his Alpha's power the Alpha gave him his power like how Derek gave Cora his power.

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now