I hope your ready for some havoc

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Today was the day, I'm finally going back to Beacon Hills to show those assholes what thier missing out on. I'm extremely nervous but I wasn't going to let that show I'm an Alpha scarier than deucalion, nothing scares me. Alex and Alice met me at Uncle Bowie's place six sharp, we packed our bags into my matte black jeep and then said our goodbye's.

"I'm really going to miss you, you little deamon child" Uncle Bowie had tears threatening to fall.

"I'll miss you too Uncle Bowie." He realed me in for a giant bear hug, usually I'm not one to show effection or any emotion really but this guy has looked after me as if I were his own for three years, he helped mold me into the strong confident person I am now, oh great now I'm about to cry. We pulled back and all got into the car, goodbye New York hello Beacon Hills I hope your ready of some havoc.

~Time skip cuz I can!~

I was finally here, first I dropped Alice and Alex at the apartment thier renting and drove home. As I entered the driveway and parked my Jeep my dad burst out of the door to tackle me in a hug.

"Woah, Pops don't want to break the door down do we it's an old house." I said a wide grin spreading across my face.

"Oh shut up and hug your father" He laughed squeazing me tighter

"Sir yes, sir" I said soluting him befor huging him back. He pulled back and grabbed my hand tugging me inside the house.

"Now let me have a good look at you... well I guess it could have been a lot worse."

"Hahahahaha, thanks for not disowning me dad." He laughed and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"Go to bed now kid, you have school tomorrow." I nodded and headed up the fimialar stair case to my room.

~Another time skip, yay!~

I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the windows and my alarm clock beeping, usually I would just skip but today I had to go and show everyone the new and improved me.

I got up and walked to my bathroom did my business and had a shower washing my hair then scrubing myself head to toe. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist I walked back to my room and over to my wardrobe I picked out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a plain shirt, it was kind of see through showing off my muscles and all of my tatoos. I walked down stairs and grabbed an apple and a bottle of water shoving them into my bag then I noticed a note on the kitchen bench.

Morning stiles,

Have a good day at school and show that old pack what thier missing out on!

Love dad xoxo.

God I love my dad, lets get this over with then! I left the house locking the door behind me and hopped in the jeep taking the fimiliar road to hell *cough* *cough* I mean school.

On the ride Bedroom Floor came on the radio so I cranked the radio up to full volume as I speed down the road and I pulled into the school parking lot. I spotted the pack standing were they usually do, scott had his arm around kira Isaac stood on the other side of scott then Lydia stood next to Kira, next to Kira Boyd and Erica but what really suprised me was Jackson standing with them laughing, Jackson Wittmore dosen't laugh. All of thier heads turned towards me as I stepped out of my Jeep, none of them recognized me except Jackson he stood staring at me in shock.

"Stiles?" He asked his striking blue eyes locking with my own Honey doe eyes, everyone else's mouths hung open I stopped just as I was about to walk past and said,

"Close your mouthes, you don't want to catch flies do you?" I gave them my famous wink then walked past entering to fimiliar building and making my way to my locker, grabed the right books and made my way outside to smoke a ciggarette before English.

~Sorry time skippppp!~

It was only luch and I had already gotten into three fights and gotten detention for two weeks but its not like I would actually be going. Jackson had been giving me wierd looks all day but whenever I looked at him he looked away and pretended to be extremely busy studying the floor.

I walked into the cafateria nd heard a collective of gasps a few 'Who is he?' 'He's so hot!' I smirked at those and walked through the cafateria I walked straight up to the pack's table and lent over Jackson and picked an apple up from his tray huskily whispering on his neck,

"Did you miss me?" sending a shiver down his spine before turning and walking out of the cafateria winking at a group of girls on the way waking them swoon, I think one even fainted.

Hey guys I'm thinking I'm going to do the next chapter in Jacksons P.O.V


(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now