Why am I the little spoon?

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Dinner past smoothly with small chatter, doing nothing to ease the obvious tension. Alice and Alec departed to search for a house and Uncle Bowie went to the spare room to enroll the twins for school tomorrow.

"Hey Jackson, where do you live now?" He looked to me.

"I live in an apartment like five minutes from school, why?"

"I don't want you staying by yourself." He huffed in annoyance.

"I'm not completely useless ya know, I'm still a werewolf and part Kanima" I smiled and walked up to him wrapping my arms around his slender waist turning him to face me.

"I just love you too much to lose you to an asshole like Alpha Darren." He sighed but nodded snuggleing his head into my chest, I tightened my arms around him.

"You can stay here!" My dad said enthusiastically as he took a picture before turning around muttering 'that's a keeper'

"My packs going to be very excited to meet their Luna." He pulled his head back and tilted it slightly to the right.

"What's a Luna?" I'm suprised how much Deaton has kept from them.

"A Luna is like the Female Alpha or the Alphas wife, usually they are girls but some alphas are females and other alphas are gay like us." He nodded taking in the information, he looked cute.

"Well if I'm staying here can I go to bed, I'm tired." I nodded and took him into my room, I lent him a pair of sweatpants that were a little to big and a shirt. I just stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed, Jackson climbed in after and I wrapped my arm around him pulling him close.

"Why am I the little spoon?"

"Because I'm the alpha and I'm taller." He huffed but fell asleep in a matter of time. He needed the rest tomorrow was a big day the pack should be arriving.


Jackson's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up cuddled into my mate. I tried to gently remove his arms from my waist but as a result I hurt tightened his grip.

"Ugghhh let go." He moaned and mumbled 'cuddle'.

"Let go before I rip your limbs off." He let go immeatidly, I walked to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth. With a spare tooth brush Stiles said I could use, in the mean time.
I walked back into the room and past stiles who was now starfishing and taking up all of the bed.

I got a great idea and rushed down stairs saying 'Good morning' to the sheriff who say in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. I grabbed a bucket and the bag of ice in the freezer, I dumped it into the bucket and filled it with water.
I carried it up to Stiles' room making sure he was still asleep and taking my chance dumped the entire bucket over his head.

He shot up eyes glowing a fierce green.

"What the fuck Jackson!?!?!" He yelled.

"Hehe love you?" He flared daggars at me, I ran back down stairs Stlies hit in my tail. He chased me round the kitchen counter for a few minuets before he caught me in his arms and rubbing himself all over me making me as wet as him. Just then the front door opened and five beta's stepped inside.

"Hey Alpha, Luna. So we found a place for the pack and their setteling i- why are you set?" Alice stopped mid scentence to stare at us. I laughed and could feel Stiles glaring holes into my skull.

"Jackson." Was all Stiles offered as an explanation. The beta's included Alice, Alec and three others a girl and two boys. There was a cute ginger boy with green eyes he had freeckles littered over his face and round glasses perched on his nose. The second boy had brown hair and blue eyes, a small scar over his right eyebrow. The girl had long blonde hair and light blue eyes that were almost a purple. They looked at me with smiles on those faces, I smiled nervously back averting my eyes. Stiles now had his arm around my waist, holding me close to his chest.

"So as Alice was saying, the pack is in the house and setteling in, Bowie has enrolled us five into school." Stiles hummed pulling me closer.

"Now we just have to visit the Hale pack and figure out how the fuck Alpha Darren found out about my mate." He seethed, I rubbed calming circles into his arm. I didn't want to go visit the pack I bet they hate me now.

"Do you want to come Jackson, they are probably mad at you."

"I don't care what those losers think, cause I got you now." I smiled and kissed him on the nose.

"Now are you guys hungry,  I'm makeing waffle's!!!" I sang, I walked into the kitchen and got out the ingredients. The betas and third alpha followed suit, sitting down at the bench. The sheriff had left before the betas had arrived.

"So your our new Luna?" The blonde girl asked.

"Apparently so." I smiled lightly at her, as I began making the batter I say the bowl down and got out the wafffle press and turning it in to hear it up.

"Well you seem like an awesome Luna!" The ginger said, I smiled at him and poured some batter in.

"Glad you think that-"

"Cohen, but everyone just calls me freckles." I laughed and opened the fridge retrieving ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, maple syrup, blueberries, strawberries and chocolate chips.
I took that waffle out of the press and made six more while I set the toppings out on the table, slapping away hands that tried to grab the chocolate chips and glaring.
"Then this is Sasha, aka Bubbles. And last but not least Julian also know as night rider.. just kidding it's Chewbacca" Julian muttered smithing along the lines of "You yawn one time.' I set the waffles down, and smiled.

"Bon appétit." They dug in devouring at all in seconds, I smiled widely.

"Seconds anyone?" They nodded fiercely, I could already tell I was going to be just fine in this pack. It already felt like family.

This chapter is longer I hoped you liked it, please comment any Ideas you have. Thanks!
-Bella ;)

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now