The plan

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This was it, we were finally going to put my plan into action and get my mate back. I was currently at the pack house in the meeting room, the pack was surrounding my including Derek and his mates Liam and Theo. Lydia, Liam's his best friend Mason and Mason's boyfriend and mate Corey. Then there was Mrs. McCall and her boyfriend which to my immense surprise is Peter Hale, along with Stiles' dad and his boyfriend Allison's dad.

"Okay, I want our best trackers Diego, Danielle, Maria, Camrin and Jack working on finding McCall. Where Scott is Darren most likely will be along with Stiles." They nodded and left the house, determined looks on their faces.

"Lydia when we breach the building blow this."

"A dog whistle?" She questioned eyebrow raised.

"It's extremely painful to werewolves, but Stiles isn't a werewolf so it won't effect him. It will however give us a chance to get rid of any... extra wolves that are guarding and longer to figure out where exactly Stiles is." She nodded and took the whistle from my hand.

"Remember everyone, this is about getting your Alpha back!" Cheers sounded before everyone rushed off to prepare for the battle that was sure to ensue, once the trackers got back with our location. It was tow hours before the trackers came back, well most of them. We had lost Maria, Jack and Camrin. The pack mourned silently but knew we had to get our alpha back.

"The're in an abandoned amusement park downtown, Luna."

"Then let's do this, is everyone ready?"

"Remember your groups, Omega go's through the back, Beta 1 and Beta 2 through the sides and Alpha through the front." I got a string of affirmatives as everyone connected their walkie-talkies and exited the house. We took off sprinting through the woods, all Human were staying behind to monitor the battle, there is no way we are going to loose this fight, no chance.

~~~~~~~~~~Oh yay their at the amusement park! I hope no on dies *Evil cackling*~~~~~~~~~~

"We're in position Luna." The three leaders confirmed through the walkie-talkie, I waved my hand forward.

"Attack!" I yelled, we stormed through the amusement pack grounds. Wolves came running at us, claws out. I flipped one wolf and gauged the chest of another, rage filled my mind and everything went red as soon as I layed eyes on Scott McCall. I lunged forward and grabbed his throat, lifting him up from the ground.

"How dare you hurt my mate!" I seethed, he flailed and cried but eventually he ceased to move. He wasn't dead, I couldn't do that to Melissa. Freckles ran up to me, his arms open.

"Take him back to the pack house and lock him up, tell the Hale pack we have him." He nodded and threw Scott over his shoulder before sprinting off.

"Luna! We found Stiles he's in the fun-house but we're stuck fighting off some stupid mutts!" Bubbles grunted, growling was heard in the background. I quickly rushed to the fun house (Which was definitely not creepy at all!)

Blood pounded through my ears as I ran, I could smell him and soon enough I could see him but as soon as I lay my eyes on him it felt as if someone had ripped my heart right out of my chest. He lay on a table next to him stood, who I presume is Alpha Darren due to the glowing red eyes, towering over his beaten, bloody body. The tip of a black dagger presses against his chest, ready to be plunged into his heart any moment. I tried to reach him but it was to late, Darren ran as I cradled a dying Stiles to my chest.

"N-no! I was going to save you! I was!" He coughed slightly blood coming from his mouth, he leaned in and kissed me.

"I was going to ask you when we got back but-" I sobbed into his chest and slid the ring onto his finger.

"Marry me?" He laughed, well as much as someone coughing up blood could.


Oh My God! I don't know if i'm okay after writing that. What will happen to Darren? And what about Jackson? What is he going to do now?

Vote and comment! The next chapter should be out at the end of the week by the latest.

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