Chin up princess - the end

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Jackson's P.O.V

"Papa?" Delilah asked moving to sit between my legs in the room, it's a small room with two beds and a toilet. Everyday Darren takes us out and we eat with him, he's somehow convinced himself that Delilah and I belong to him. I guess it's okay since he treats us a lot better than when I was pregnant, I almost lost Delilah to that.

"Yes Delilah?"

"Does daddy love us?" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to my chest.

"It may have been there years since I last saw your father but he adores you, I can feel it in here-" I tapped my chest lightly and held her little hand on top of my heart beat. "-He will come for us. I know he will." She yawned and snuggled into my chest, she lives hearing stories about the pack. Maybe as much as I loved telling them, Stiles never had a chance to meet Delilah but I know he's going to adore her as much as I do.

~30 minutes later~

"GET UP, DINNER!" I sighed lightly and stood holding a now awake and shaking Delilah, she is only two and needs her dad about as much as I do. We walked down the familiar hall and entered the dining hall, taking a seat as far away from Darren as possible.

"Now that your here let's eat!" I missed silently and began to cut up Delilah's food into little peices. (Can two year old way that? I don't know.) Suddenly the entrance door burst into splinters, I grabbed Delilah shielding her with my body and moved to hide user the table. I didn't see who was there all I could hear was ferocious growls and pained goals, (I rymed by accident!)

"We are they!" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Stiles?" I asked crawling out from beneath the table, Delilah Curled into a hall in my arms. Stiles had Darren by the throat but dropped him as soon as he saw me, tears filled his eyes and mine before they moved to Delilah.

"Daddy?" She asked uncertain, he nodded smiling brightly and using out his arms. I sat her down, letting her run into his arms and smiled. We were togther again, it may have taken a while but we're togther nevertheless. He held her infront in him and dipped her tears away gently,

"Chin up Princess, your tiara is falling." She giggled and held her arms out for me. I walked over and Stiles pulled me into a rough but loving kiss that I returned instantly.

"Can we go home now?" He smiled and nodded. As we left I smiled and hugged all the pack members with him, also getting new pack member such as little Newt and older pack members like Derek and Lydia.

I expected us to go home, what I didn't expect was for Stiles to pull up at a stunning two level grey house, it had lots of windows that could be classified as glass doors and a really modern look to it.

"We were going to come here after the honey moon but I think you've waited long enough." I loved Stiles so much, he didn't let go of my hand once throughout the car ride. Probably feeling the need to scent mark me, very strongly along with his cub, Delilah.

Sitles' P.O.V

Delilah was absolutely stunning, she had long wavy brown hair like mine, Jackson gorgeous blue eyes and freckles and moles that littered her adorable little face. I knew from the moment I saw her, I would have to be scaring off a lot of boyfriends or/and girlfriends.

After Jackson and I tucked Delilah into bed with a kiss on the forehead, we went to our room and layed on the bed. Just cuddling, savoring the warmth of one another.

"Hey Sti,  is there anything you regret?" I nodded against halls neck.

"Missing so many of Delilah's baby years." He shuffled and turned around to face me.

"I can held with that." I scrunched my eyebrows up as he placed him class on the back of my neck.

"Doesn't it only work with alpha's?" He shook his head with a smile before pushing his claws into my neck.

The cost memory was Jacckson holding Delilah in his arms, telling dlstories about the pack and about me.

"Your daddy loves you, so much." He whispered.

"Daddy?" She giggled gently holding a fist to her mouth as Jackson smiled brightly.

The image quickly shifted, they were in the same room as before except Jax and Delilah were in seprate sides of the room.

"Come on come to Papa!" He encouraged. Delilah stood slowly, her legs wobbling little as she quickly walked/ram into Jackson waiting arms. He picked her up and spin her around.

The memories ended and I saw met with Jackson's beautiful blue eyes once again. I smiled and pulled him closer, kissing him gently.

"I love you Jackson." I he smiled and moved so his back was against my chest once again.

"I love you too." I placed my head against his shoulder, with a content sigh.

"Oh and Stiles, I want another baby." That one scentence was how I almost died that night.

Well that's it, I hope you liked my ending. I love you all and thank your I much for ready my book, 12k views is awesome! I love reading all of your comments so please go check out my other books.

P.S. Sorry it took so long, I wanted to find the perfect day to and this book.

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