Hey bubble butt

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Stiles' P.O.V

"Where does Darren's pack reside?" I currently has Scott chained to a wall in my dungeon while my precious mate slept, I threw another punch to his gut. It had only been thirty minutes at the most, but he was already coughing up blood. I threw a buket of ice cold water over his bloodied torso as he began to black out, I wasn't finished with him just yet.

"Just answer the question Scott and I'll put you out of your misery. You were never a real alpha with a silly teenager that barley knows anything about leading!" He shook his head once again, he really need to learn when to just give up. He has no chance but, I'll have to speak with Melissa about what to do with him next. (My cat fell asleep on my foot and now I don't know what to do, beacuse I can't move it will wake him but I also can't feel my leg.)

"Tell me when you change your mind, Aubrey you can take it from here." The door to the dungeon opened and Aubrey bound in happily, that girl is scary, even to me.

"Thank you Alpha!" I nodded and left to go check on Jackson, he was re-gaining his energy after he saved me.

"Hey bubble butt." I joked upon seeing Jackson awake, he sat up straight smiling brightly and opened his arms. 

"Hey Sti, good to see your not dead." I laughed and sat on the bed, pulling Jackson into my lap as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"While you were gone, I learnt the names of almost everyone in the pack which is pretty impressive and we all get on very well." I smiled and kissed his cheek,  it was nice to hear the pack loved Jackson as much as I did.

"Yeah, Alice told me you made everyone write their names on their foreheads for three days." He looked offended but still very cute.

"That little snitch! and there are over seven hundred people in this pack, I was going to have to learn somehow!" He grumbled.

"It made sense in the moment!" He tried to defend himself through my laughter.

"I love you Jackson."

"I love you too Stiles, please don't ever leave me again." I nodded and kissed him passionatley, we spent the rest of the night togther. Whatever happened for the rest of the night is our little secret ;)


This chapter was really short and full of fluff, it was kind of just a filler chapter, I hope you liked it anyway. What do you think should happen to Scott? Where did Alpha Darren go? How are they going to find him?

Vote, comment and thank you for reading!

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now