My soul

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Jackson's P.O.V

"No no no no no, you weren't meant to die! I'm not letting you die here!" I pulled the knife out of his chest, vaguely hearing other pack members entering.

"How can I save him?!" (It autocorrects 'save' but I accidentally type 'savy' and it stays the same?)

"There's a way, bu-" I cut Julian off.

"I don't care, how do I save him?"

"I can't do the ritual here, I need somewhere with very powerful energy." The Nemeton. I scoped Stiles up into my arms, surprising a few with the fast movement.

"I know a place, explain what I have to do on the way." He nodded and we began to run out of the amusement park and deep into the woods.

"The ritual I basically splitting your soul and giving a peice to Stiles so it can restore and heal him." He explained, I speed up faster when the Nemeton was in sight.

"What's the chance that this won't work?"

"It has a much higher chance of working since you are mates and the side affects should be minimal." I nodded and lay Stiles' body atop the stump of the Nemeton.

"We have to wait until the moon comes out, thank the god's tonight is a full moon. The star are in your favor tonight Luna, let's hope the god's are as well." The rest of the pack ran into the clearing, unconsciously creating a circle around the Nemeton, around Stiles. The minutes passed agonizingly slow, my heart was pounding and thoughts were swarming in my skull threatening to burst.

"It's time."

"Okay hold both of your hands, palm down, over the wound and think of your happiest memories with Stiles. Look up to the moon and repeat after me." I followed his instructions and waited for the words, the words to bring my true love back to me.

"emperoct ad me omni,"  

"emperoct ad me omni, "

"bentidoct commonio."

"bentidoct commonio."  

"Habeo omnia."

"Habeo omnia."

"Tui gratia lovis gratia sit cure!"

"Tui gratia lovis gratia sit cure!" My body began to shake violently, I felt as if someone was burning me from the inside. At some point lightning struck, it was a million times more painful than the burning, I screamed out but didn't stop. I kept the memories of Stiles and I in the front of my mind, I want, no, need him back.

"J-J-Jackson?" I basically collapsed in relif onto his chest.

"Don't do that again." He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll try, finance." I chuckled slightly before black spots danced around my vision, the last thing was Stiles worried face before everything went black. I welcomed the darkness with open arms, still being able to feel the warmth of my mate.

He's okay and mine forever.


I hope you guys liked this chapter, if so please comment and vote!

I apologise for whatever Latin I got wrong, the spell probably doesn't man any sense but I tried! I'll try and update soon, love you all!💋

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