Just a friendly disagreement

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^Pink eyes up top^

Jacksons P.O.V

Cruel, that boy is cruel. It's like his sole purpose on this earth is to taunt me, it's like holding a lollipop infront of a child you know you want it but you can't have it.

"Mr. Whittmore!, awnser the question" My math teacher yelled pulling me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry, what was the question again?" He looked at me hardening his glare, a tiny growl sounded from the back of the class I turned suprised to see Stiles glaring at the teacher.

"Did he just growl?" someone asked then the class errupted into thier own conversation while Stiles walked up and asked the teacher if he could 'talk' with him outside.

'I wonder what that was about' I thought and went back to working out my own thoughts I didn't like Stiles, I'm not gay. Okay but he has an amazing body, and his face is apsoloutly flawless and he's kind and sweet. yeah I like Stiles, yep gay for Stiles.

Stiles P.O.V

I don't know why I growled I just couldn't help it, I saw the way that asshole teacher was making Jackson uncomfortable under his glare and I just... snapped.

I was 'talking' to the teacher when Scott came round the corner once he had my attention the teacher scurried away.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked disgust clear in his voice, the way he spoke to me I could tell Jackson hadn't told him about me not being human anymore, Jackson wa protecting me.

"Talking to my teacher, problem?" I asked raising a single eyebrow.

"Umm yeah, a big one. Stay the hell away from Jackson!" I glared at him meeting his eyes, how dare he Jackson was mine!

"He's mine!" I roared grabbing his throat and throwing him a good twenty feet from where I was, my eyes glowing furiously. I knew that pack would be coming soon they can tell when thier Alpha is in trouble but I didn't care, he was talking about MY Jackson like he was HIS.

Scott got up flashing me his red eyes and lunging at me punching me square in the jaw, at this point lydia, Isaac, kira and Malia came running round the corner. Scott was on top of me so I flipped us over so I was on top and started thowing punches at his face continuisly. Jackson came out of the classroom just as Isaac and Kira managed to pull us away from each other, to my suprise he ran straight past scott not even giving him a passing glance he ran to me and grabbed my face pulling it closer to his he looked at all of my inguries and wiped some blood of my lower lip.

"What the hell did you do!?!" He screamed at scott taking my pain away as he did, I sighed in relief and slid an arm around his waist pulling him closer to me putting my head in the crook of my neck, he stiffind at first but then relaxed into my grasp. I looked into his eyes to see them glowing pink, I know what that means.

The pack looked shocked and scott looked furious.

"He's the one that threw me across the room!" Jackson gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged my shoulders and replied,

"He provoked me!" then everyone looked at scott, waiting for his reply.

"Jackson is my beta!" He yelled

"Jackson is my mate!" I growled back, they all looked at me confused.

"What's a mate?" Jackson asked looking me in the eye before gasping, probably because of my eyes.

"Mate is short for Soulmate, every shapeshifter has one your eyes glow pink when you find them." I said they all looked at me shocked, Jackson smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek, and Scott practically had steam coming out of his ears. Coach then walked around the corner.

"What the hell is going on here?!?!?" He yelled at us.

"Nothing Coach, just a friendly disagreement." Jackson explained tugging me away from Scott, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers, and walking lunch. God I love this boy.

I'm going to involve Stiles' pack more in future chapters :)

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