The one and only Danny boy

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Jacksons P.O.V

"Did you miss me?" He whispered huskily sending shivers down my spine oh my god he's hot. I turned in time to see him wink at some girls and two of them falling to the ground in a dead faint, when I noticed I was staring at his ass while he walked I quickly turned and stared down at my food as a deep crimson spread across my cheeks.

"Jackson? Are you okay dude?" Scott asked while Isaac gave me a knowing look.

"What did he say to you?" Lydia asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ummmm... I have to go!" I blurted and rushed out of the cafateria to the lacrosse field I got my gear and started throwing the balls into the net. about half an hour into practice and I hadn't got a single ball ito the net.

"What is wrong with me??" I whispered to myself and sat down to take a drink out of my water bottle.

"Specificly or just everything in general?" Stiles asked I spat my water out and stared at him.

"What the hell are you doing here!?!" I practically screamed at him, he stepped foward and I stepped back until my back hit a tree 'Since when has there been a tree here?' I thought but quickly forgot it when my brain was flooded with new thoughts because Stiles was still walking towards me.

"You going to awnser, or not stilinski?" I asked rather rudley, he grabbed my neck and held me few feet about the ground shoving rather forcfully into the tree.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He growled venom clear in his voice, his eyes glowing the most beautiful green I had ever seen, fangs growing and his claws lengthening.

"Beautiful" I asked wonder filling I reached to touch his face his eyes were full of onfusion and shock but still he didn't stop me as I lay my hand on his cheek tilting his head up slightly so I could get a better look at his fangs they were different to ours he may have been bitten but he definitly isn't a werewolf. His grip around my neck loosened and he dropped me to the ground.

"What did you say?" I blushed and tried to walk away but he placed a hand on my chest stopping me.

"Not so fast pretty boy, what was that you said?" I sighed and turned to face him full on. Wait did he just call me pretty, uhh swoon!

"I said 'beautiful', okay." He looked me in the eyes trying to figure me out.

"Why?" He questioned tilting his head slightly to the left, he really was beautiful not that I would ever tell him but I've had a crush on him since sophmore year.

"Why not?" While he was confused thinking about what I meant by that ducked under his arm and sprinted as fast as I could to my locker before he caught me.

Stiles P.O.V

Beautiful? no one has ever called me beautiful, and since when is Jackson nice? I really have missed a lot. He's pretty cute when he blushed woah wait... WHAT?!?! did I just call Jackson cute, wow there really is somthing wrong with me. Do I like Jackson? No I can't like Jackson.
But it wouldn't cause any harm to find out if he liked me though right? oh I could have some fun with this and I know just how to do it.

Scott's P.O.V

Stiles is back, we kicked him out for a reason he killed allison there is no forgiving that and what the hell is up with Jackson ever since stiles showed up, he's barley talked and then ditched us at lunch. Ughhh stiles ruins everything I can't believe we were even friends! 

"Scott?" Isaac's voice pulled me out of my daze

"We have to go now lacrosse tryouts are starting soon" I nodded and togther we made our way towards the boy's locker room, I got into my gear and ran out to the field with Isaac.

Couch had us doing laps when a guy covered in tattoo's and a very dominant six pack made his way over to coach he said somthing to coach, at first coach was shocked before he recovered and smiled patting Stiles on the back before blowing the whistle and telling everyone to gather around.

"This is Stiles and he's going to be trying out for the team as well." Coach pronounced grabbing stiles by the neck and pulling him in closer smiling.

I glared at him but he wasn't looking at me he was staring at Jackson who was looking every where but at Stiles, Thats odd.

"As in Stiles Stilinski?" Danny asked Stiles smirked 

"The one and only Danny boy" While taking of is sunglasses.

"I pressume you remember how tryouts work?" He nodded still looking at Jackson, coach slapped him on the back one last time and blew the whistle, Stiles tugged his shirt off and ran over to join the line.

Stiles P.O.V

I tugged my shirt off and joined the line specifically standing behind Jackson. He turned his head to me he opened his mouth to say somthing but his eyes stated to wonder my body, he shut his mouth and quickly looked back infront of him embarrassed because he was checking me out. I steppped closer specifically invading his  personal space my breath tickling his neck he quickly rushed away when it was his turn.

The rest of practice went well I caught every shot as goalie and never missed the net, After practice coach announced that Jackson and I were the new co-captains.

"By the end of the season I want you all at least half as fit as stilinski, wow thought I would never say that ever." Then walked of leaving us in peace to get changed, but I didn't miss Jackson's eyes watching me or should I say my abs.

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