Mrs Daniels

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Stiles' P.O.V

I'm so glad that my most trusted pack members like Jackson, I just really hope the rest of the pack likes him cause if they don't well ya'know x-x. We were eating waffles when Bubbles stood up suddenly, stareing wide eyed at Jackson. Alice and Alec had left to go check on the rest of the pack about twenty minutes ago.

"I'm so stupid!" She hit her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"What's wrong?" Freckles asked, she groaned and sat back down burring her head into her hands.

"I forgot to tell my mum!" I laughed remembering when I was like that.

"So you forgot to tell your mum your like six hours away?" Chwey clarified, she nodded.

"I'll tell her." Jackson said, Bubbles gasped and looked at him before squealing and hugging him. She was a bit to close for my liking but she knows Jackson is mine.

"YOUR THE BEST LUNA EVER!!" She handed him her phone with her mother number on the screen.

"Her names is Maria Daniels, she dosen't know about werewolves.- she paused for a moment- Try make it convincing!" He nodded and pressed the call button, leaning against the counter his back to us.

"Where the hell are you!?!"

"Hello Mrs Daniels."

"Your not my daughter."

"No I'm not, sorry she forgot to tell you where she is, which was very irresponsible of her." He said in a stern voice.

"So where is she? and who are you?"

"Oh how rude of me! My name is Jackson Whittmore, Sasha is here with me in Beacon Hills- Maria hummed so Jackson continued- She's helping me through a tough time right now." His voice cracked, he paused making some whimpering nosies so it sounded as if he were crying.

"Oh Honey! what's wrong?!" He looked at us smirking slightly.

"It's just, well, tomorrow is the annaversarie of my parents death." He let out a mangled sob, shooting Sasha a wink.

"Oh no! Tell Sash she can stay as long as you need her!" Jackson was comletley fooling her!

"Thank you, I'm so sorry!"

"Oh it wasn't your fault honey, just make sure she get's home okay."

"I will." He hung up the phone and turned to us, we all clapped he did a mock bow.

"Not bad, Whittmore." Freckles commented, Jax grinned at us, I walked over and wrapped my arms at him and kissed his cheek.

"You need to teach me how to do that!" Sasha said excitedly.

"No need I'll just meet her and get on her good side, then whenever you need to sneak out just say your going out with me and your as good as gold." They shared evil smiles, which is more terrorfiying then taking on a coven of vampires.

"Now- I clapped my hands togther starteling them - Let's go talk to this Hale pack." Every one nodded, they may have more members but we could take them down in a heart beat if they tried anything even oh, so precious McCall.

We all hopped in the Jeep Me driving, Jax in the front by me and the rest in the back, Bubbles was between the two guys and looked quite uncomfortable. We zoomed down the road over the speed limit I reached into my glove box and felt around with my hand btu couldn't find what I was looking for.

"Where are my cigarette's?" Everyone shool their head except Jax who just looked out the window.

"Jackson!" I grumbled, keeping my eyes on the road.

"There bad for you!" Ughh he sounds like me pestering my dad.

"Stop going mama bear mode!" His eyes fell into slits, as he glared at me.

"I can go mama bear mode whenever the fuck I like!" I sighed and he huffed turning to look out the window once again, I placed my hand on his thigh which seemed to calm him a little. We drove for a little more until we reached Derek Hale's apartment building, where Jackson said the pack usually gathers for Pack meeting's at this time. I parked and everyone hopped out, Jackson stood next to me holding my hand past argument forgotten while the rest of the pack followed closely behind. We waited for a bit until Alice and Alec came in thier black Camaro, the more the merrier, right?

"Well here goes nothing." Jackson muttered and we walked inside and went to the right floor where we reached the door of Derek's loft and wrenched it open.

This was really just a filler chapter while I think of some more idea's. Next chapter will be longer, I hope. Vote, comment and please if you have any ideas I NEED THEM! Thanks!


(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now