Don't see me like this - Pt. 2

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Hey guys I'm back! School is starting tomorrow and I'm still not mentally ready, updates may be less frequent but I'll try to update as often as I can.

Jackson's P.O.V

"Deaton is here love, you need to open the door." I struggled to lift my frame off the rules ground, I felt completely drained of all energy. I slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open, before print my colapsing next to the toilet. Stiles looked scared at me apperence, Deaton in the other hand had a calculating look in his eye.

"Stiles if you would give us a minute, I think I have an idea of what's wrong." Slowly Stiles detached himself from the doorway and smiled at me.

"Be safe love." Then he turned and started down the hallway, Deaton closed the door and came to sit infront of me.

"Can you tell me what's been wrong with you?" His voice was questioning as if he was just confirming a suspicion.

"I have been feeling her quesy, my back hurts and I don't feel like eating anything." My voice cracked multiple times, Deaton ignored it nodding.

"So you know what's wrong with you Jackson?" I nodded, years collecting in the corner of me eyes.

"I felt it kick earlier, I'm pregnant." Deaton wiped away a tear that I hadn't given permission to fall.

"I can give you some medicine to help with the quesyness and give you an ultrasound among with regular check ups of the babies health."

"Thank you Deaton!" He smiled and hugged me, then helped me up from the ground. I sat on the toilet as Deaton left to fetch Stiles, a few seconds later they appeared in the doorway.

"Hey love- what's wrong?" Stiles rushed forward and knelled in between my legs so he could look me in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant Sti!" He didn't react for a moment until a massive grin broke out across his features, he kissed me and then kissed me belly.

"Now everthing is perfect and I have double the people to love, thank you so much Deaton." I placed my head on his shoulder and dubbed into it happily.

"Anytime, come by the clinic in wednesy and I can do an ultrasound." I heard the door clock and Deaton was gone.

"So I'm guessing we're postponing the wedding until the baby's born?" I laughed and turned to face him.

"I love you Stiles." I smashed my lips into his, everything was perfect now.

But sadly it was not to stay that way.

This was another short on a I'm sorry but I'm running short on ideas here, anyway please vote and comment. Love you all!

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now