Not a chapter!

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Sorry guys this isn't an update, this is just a chapter to clarify a few things. Beware I am severely sleep deprived, for no particular reason. So, this may or may not make sense?

1. - Who's dating/mated to who.

Melissa and Peter - Dating (Peter's mate died when he was little)

Noah/Jhon?(Stiles dad) and Chris (Allison's dad) - Dating

Derek, Theo and Liam - Mated

Stiles and Jackson - Mated (Obviously)

Mason and Corey - Mated

2. - Who is in Stiles' pack from Derek's

Theo (Kinda not in the pack but you get it)






Peter (He kind shifted into Stiles' pack when he was taken)

3. What is Stiles?

Stiles' species is unknown, we don't know what he looks like when he shifts completely. We have only seen his eyes, but he is a shapeshifter. (It tried to auto correct to shoplifter.)

If there is anything else anyone is unsure of, please comment I will either post a reply to your comment or post another chapter like this. Love you all!

I found this awesome drawing (Not mine!)

I found this awesome drawing (Not mine!)

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