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"Hey Jax?" I questioned

"Yeah?" He replied munching on his fries.

"Do you want to meet the pack yet?"

"Uhhh... are you sure the're going to like me, Sti? I don't want them to like me because they have to, but because they actually like me." He stressed, he overthinks to much. I'm sure there going to live him just asuch as I do,

"Jackson, I'm sure there going to love you but never as much as I love you." I leant over to place a delicate kids to his temple.

"Ughhh, eew,  disgusting, gross, stop." A string of complaints by the other passengers sounded throughout the car.

"Deal with it." Jackson said then pulled he into a kiss after sticking his tounge out at the others.

Then Jackson's phone rang.

Jackson's P.O.V

I scooped my phone out of my pocket and held it up to my ear without looking at the caller I.D.



"Mother! Wha-why are you calling?"

"Can't a mother call her son?"

"Yes, but neither you nor dad have called or even texted, since I moved back to beacon hills."

"Yes well... your father and I had an argument, Honey I'm getting a divorce on your father." The topic must have been bad important.

"What were you fighting about?"

"David has never let me be the mother to you that I wanted to be and I got sick of it so, I kicked him out." Wow she kicked him out for me.

"Re-really?" I could hear her sob silently, later on I want to ask if my mother can stay in the pack house.

"Mother, come to Beacon Hills you can come and live with me."

"You don't have to do that for me, Jax." I smiled.

"But I want to your still my mother biological or not and there's something I've been wanting to tell you but knew that dad would never approve so I kept it a secrete."

"You can tell me anything." I nodded then realised she couldn't see me.

"I know that now but it's something I just really want to say in person."

"Okay I'll get a plane and be there hopefully by tomorrow night, I love you Jackson."

"I love you too, mother." I hung up the phone and looked out of the window. My parents are getting a divorce because my father wouldn't let my mother be the mother to me she always wanted to be, my father was very mad when mother gave me permission to live in Beacon Hills I guess things just worse from there. Father was always very controlling of my mother, telling her what to wear, what to say and even what to eat.

"You okay, my love?" Stiles asked breaking me out of my vicious chain of thought.

"Yeah, yeah I jus- I'm happy my mother is free to be who she wants to be now." He pulled over on the side of the road, confusing me but everyone else seemed to understand and stare at me.

"What do you mean free to be who she wants to be? How did your father treat you and your mother?" I froze muscles rigid, people had always known my father was strict but no one had ever directly asked how he treated us.

"Strictly." I said, refusing to make eye contact. 

"We'll discuss this later Jackson, but right now the pack is waiting to meet their new Luna." I nodded, a flood of dread filling my being.

Sorry guys the next chapter will be longer and updated sooner, Iv'e had major writers block with this. If you have any idea's or any other ships you want me to add into the story I'd be glad to.

5k+ reads is so awesome, I didn't think I would get any thank you guys so much!

So please vote, comment. Love you guys!

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now