Alpha Darren

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There in my living room sat Alice, Alec, Uncle Bowie and my dad but what made it funny is that Uncle bowie was trapped in a corner surrounded my the oher three who were holding water guns in a very threatening manner.

"OH STILES! MY FAVORTIE PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD... please help me." I laughed at Uncle Bowie and noticed a spare gun on the floor, I ran forward garbbing the gun and turned towards Jackson. He folded his arms across his chest and lifted one eye brow giving me a pointed look.

"Don't even try it Stilinski." I lowered my gun as did every one else.

"Who is this Stiles?" Alec questioned I looked towards them and grinned, I wrapped my arm around Jacksons waist and pulled him close.

"This is Jackson, my mate and your new Luna!" Alice squealed and started jumping up shaking Alec rather harshly. My dad smiled and pulled Jackson away from me and into a group hug including a very wet Uncle Bowie.

"Welcome to the pack, Jackson." Jackson looked towards me a goofy grin plastering his features oh, how long I've waited to find my mate. Now every thing is perfect, my phone rang once again I sighed lightly and picked it up.


"Alpha! Alpha Darren has left but he said somthing about hurting someone Wikmore, Wittmore maybe."

"Whittmore, Jackson Whittmore. My mate." I released a low threatening growl. She whimpered on the other end of the call.

"Tell the pack they will all be flying to Beacon Hills, to secure the life of thier Luna and if they don't like it leave them to guard the house or kill them I really don't care which." Jacksons eyes flashed to mine giving an uneasy look.

"Alice, Alec I need you to find a house big enough for the pack and buy it. Then you will both be starting school I want both of you with Jackson at all times if I'm not there, Alpha Darren is being stupid enough to threaten my mate how he found out I have no idea but I'm just going to have to ask that usless excuse of a pack I used to call family." They nodded I knowing how protective an alpha can be of thier mate, espically one as poweful as me.

"But now let's just have a nice dinner."

Sorry this chapter is really short the next one will be longer get in just really busy at school with tests and thing I'll try and update soon. P.s that last promise to make this chapter longer was a lie.

Sorry I forgot to publish the last chapter so this didn't quite make sense but I fixed now.

How did apha Darren find out about Jackson?
How is the pack going to react to To thier new Luna?

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