Don't see me like this - Pt. 1

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Jackson's P.O.V

"Jackson please let me in." I heard Stiles beg from outside the door before I turned back to the toilet as bile began to rise in my throat, and I threw up again.

"N-no!" I was shaking slightly, everything had been going well except for Scott not wanting to tell us anything, but then I started feeling ill.

"Why won't you let me in? I just want to help love." I wipped my mouth and took a few deep, shuddering breaths.

"I-I don't wan-nt yo-you to see mw li-ike thi-is." I heard him sigh followed by a thump, I assumed it was min sitting down. Stiles wasn't one to give up so easily, I turned again and threw up before rinsing out my mouth and clapsing ontop of the cold tiles. They felt nice against my hot skin.

"Jax I love you, seeing you sick won't change that. But I am worried, what's going on in there sugar?" He really is too good for me.

"I-I'm okay ju-just a little si-ick." I heaved into the toilet once again, I have no idea what's wrong with me one minute I was fine and the next I'm running into the bathroom to throw up my lunch.

"How can I help?"

"D-deaton-n." Deaton will know, what's wrong with me.

"You want me to get Deaton for you?" I heard his phone ring, before the smooth voice of Doctor D flowed through the phone.

"Stiles! What can I do for you?"

"Jackson isn't well, he won't let me see him but he asked for you. Will you come and see him?" Stiles' voice was laced with worry, it made me feel bad. I almost opened the door, but I truly didn't want Stiles to see me like this.

"Of course Stiles, I will be there right away. Where is Jackson at the moment?"

"He's locked himself in the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you Deaton."


Stiles' P.O.V

I hung up the phone after talking to deaton and leant my head against the bathroom door, Jackson was really starting to worry me. He is my mate and Fiance he should know that seeing him sick wouldn't change any of my feelings towards him, he's my everything.

"He'll be here in a minute love, just hold on." He groaned on the otherside of the door before I could hear him begin to violently throw up once again.


This chapter was really short sorry about that, I have an idea to write a Maze Runner and Teen Wolf crossover what do you guys think?

Anyway, What do you think is wrong with Jackson? What's going to happen to Scott? Will they find Darren? Or will Darren attack before they get a chance? 

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now