I need him

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Jackson's P.O.V

"Where is he?" I mumbled to myself, my eyes scanned my desk which was currently covered in maps of Beacon Hills.

"Jackson?" Bowie sounded as tired as I looked and felt but Stiles was out there and I needed him.

"Look I know your upset but the pack needs you, their falling apart without their Alpha or Luna." I sighed, they didn't have to suffer as much as I am.

"Your right, let me get ready and I'll talk to the pack... I can at least do that." I heard a sigh of relief outside that door before and enthusiastic 'Of course Jackson!' I lingered by my desk a little longer, listening to the sound of his retreating foot steps before turning and walking into the bathroom.

I was staying in Stiles' room, I couldn't be anywhere else. His scent still lingered, I needed my mate or I might just go insane.

The water running over my skin felt nice, it was warm. Somthing I haven't been, how can I when my mate has been missing for three months. All I can think about is Stiles telling me what a pathetic mate I am, can't even find him. It's hard when your the submissive mate, your emotions go haywire when your dominant is gone. I could rip someone's head off of that irritated me. I realised I had spent far too much time in the shower as the water began to turn cold. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist before dressing myself in I long sleeve grey shirt that would have been tight on him but was just slightly loose on me and a pair of his favorite back jeans, also just slightly loose, enough to tell they weren't mine.

I took a deep breath before swinging my door open and slowly walking down the steps, Noah was in the kitchen but instantly dropped his eggs in favor of wrapping me in a giant hug. A few years escaped my eyes, I was so sick of crying. I just wanted my boyfriend back.

"Are you okay Jackson?" His voice was soothing but nothing could quite calm my loss.

"Deaton will be here soon, doesn't want you going mad without your mate." I'm going to get him back but to do that I need to embrace the madness, then once I had him I would never ever let him go.

"Okay but I just need to get somthing first, it's important." He nodded and let me go with a dad smile, he was hurting too, he just didn't want it show it, he wanted to be brave, for everyone.

I smiled in return and walked out the door, I got into Stiles' jeep not being able to part from somthing of him for more than a few moments and inserted the key. I drove past my old apartment to a shop I had passed many times, Brightside Jewlers.

When I get Stiles back, I want him to be mine, legally.

I walked in and my eyes skimmed all of the Jewlery before landing on a plain silver band, it was perfect.

"Anything I can help you with?" A girl asked from behind the counter, she had pretty platnium blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Actually yes, can I get this ring engraved?" She grinned and nodded.

"Of course, is it for anyone special?"

"Yeah, I'm planning on proposing to my boyfriend."

"Aww cute, just write down what you want engraved and it'll be done in fourty five minutes." I smiled and wrote down on the peice of paper she passed me 'Marry me beautiful?'

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now