A distraction

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Ughh it's that awful time of the year where its only warm in the sun but then you step into the shade and boom! You may as well be in Antarctica! Sorry I had to rant to someone, in with the story!

I came back home to see the sheriff, my mother and Deaton conversing over a cup of coffee. I had told my mother about the supernatural the night she got back and the night I lost Stiles. I explained everything from Kanimas and soulmates to Werewolves and hunters. She was much more expecting than I thought she soul be, saying and I quote 'I wouldn't care if you turned into a mass murdering pinecone, you'd still be my little boy.' I may or may not cried at that but only I shall know.

"Ahh Jackson, your looking much better!" I smiled warmly at Deaton.

"Feeling much better, I made a plan to get Stiles back." My mother smiled sadly at that, she hadn't been lucky enough to meet Stiles but remembered the cute spazzy little boy, I was best friends with.

"Mr. Stilinski?"

"Yes Jackson?"

"I know things haven't been great lately but I'm going to get Stiles back and, well... there somthing I want to ask him when he gets back." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Can I have you consent to ask your son to marry me?" My mother gasped with happy tears in her eyes, Deaton smiled brightly and Noah nodded happily.

"Of course Jackson! No one is a better fit for my son but you."

Yes tho chapter is short I know. But next chapter will be actually putting the plan into action! Let's get Stiles back!

Anyway I was thinking about making this an Mpreg,  what do you think? Also which other pack members do you think should join Stiles' pack? Mason? Erica? Boys?

Vote and comment love you all!

(Punk Stiles) Revenge may be sweet but I'm not.Where stories live. Discover now