Chapter One

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"Lala!" We all yelled.

Why won't she wake up?
Everyone sang, danced. Nothing would work.
Not only that but for some reason she seems to be slipping out my mind. I can barely remember her.

Wait who.

"Yui!" Nino called me
"Hai!" I smiled.
"I love the new area!" Nino smiled
"Yeah, it's so much better than the old area," I smiled "Why did it get closed down again?" I asked
"I-I don't remember," Nino frowned "oh well!"
"Let's go perform!" I suggested "Yumekawa!"
"Full marks," Nino agreed
"I heard a rumour that in the old pripara there's a monster and in it a kami idol sleeps," some girl gossiped. It's been two years since pripara shut down to build a new place. For some reason the old area was never erased, it's just there in ruins.
"La-" I stopped. What was I about to say?
"Wanna check it out?" Asked Nino
"What?" I asked
"The monster where the kami idol sleeps," Nino smiled
"Ok!" I said.

We all went into the direction the old pripara used to be. It was falling apart but there in the middle was a monster frozen in ice.
"Cool!" Nino grinned
Before I knew it Nino was climbing up.
"What the yume!" I was surprised and quickly followed her up.

Lala's POV

"Come on minna tomodachi, minna idols!" I tried to convince everyone.
Wait where are they all going.
"Don't go!" I yelled
"Idols are lame," Mirei stated.
"What! Mirei!" I tried to argue
"Give up," Sophie agreed
"Not you too," I couldn't believe it.
"Dressing Pafe!" I tried to call out to them "Garumagedon! Tricolour! Non Sugar! My Dream!"
"Get lost," They all said "idols are lame,"
"What no," I fell onto the floor "no stop!"
They all carried on saying things.
"Stop! No more! Stop! STOP!" I screamed. I covered my ears but I still heard them.
I curled into a ball and cried.
"Idol are stupid," I said "I hate idols,"

I sat up.
"Where am I?" I wondered
Everywhere was ice and I seemed to be trapped in.
"Who am I?" I wondered, why can't I remember anything.
"I hate idols," I said. That's the only thing I could remember.

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