Chapter Twenty Three

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Yui's POV

Lunch break has just started and I can't help but worry about Lala. She seemed kinda off but I just..... it's weird. It's like I've got this really bad feeling.

That's it I'm going to Pripara.
I snuck off quickly and found the tunnel Lala and I dug when Pripara was banned. I've never ditched school before so I feel guilty but this bad feeling I've got is worse.

I don't know why I want to go to Pripara it feels like I'm being pulled there though. When I made it through the entrance I found myself walking in the direction of the old Pripara.

Paku was in front of me and I felt bad for him. I want to be friends with Paku but instead Lala had to freeze him. I don't really like thinking about it but my mind sometimes wanders.

For some reason I needed to get inside.
"Ok I'll focus all my dreaming power!" I cheered. Why did I want to get inside? It wasn't fun for Lala.
"YUMEEEEEEEE!" I screamed and imaged myself next to Lala. I opened my eyes and released the breath I didn't realise I'd been holding.
"Yui?" I turned around to see Lala.
"Lala!" I smiled and hugged her.

Mirei's POV

I was writing down what we were learning when suddenly I blacked out and saw Lala lying on Shougo's lap. She smiled at him and said something I didn't catch before she closed her eyes and her body went limp.
"Lala!" I yelled standing up
"We're in the middle of lessons," the teacher sighed.
"Sorry," I sat back down "I'm not feeling that well,"
"Go to medical," the teacher said. I was walking to the nurse when I felt a strong pull and made my way to Pripara. My walk turned into strides and my strides turned into into a jog and before I knew it I was sprinting through the entrance to Pripara and in a direction that I didn't know what was in front of me.
"Yumeeeeeeeeee!" I heard someone screaming. Yui? I slowed down for a minute and thought 'why am I here?' Breaking out of the woods I saw Yui disappearing next to Paku.
"Yui," I called out but she was gone.
"Mirei," I heard, spinning around I saw Sophie. She was floating along in her jellyfish state and seemed to be unaware of what was happening.
"Sophie, what's happening-pri," I wanted to see if she knew. Sophie stopped and looked around.
"How did I get here?" She wondered. I sweat dropped. Together we walked over to Paku and investigated.
My mind went black and I saw Lala and Yui fighting someone, well they were just avoiding black balls thrown at them.
"Sophie hold my hand," I instructed, she nodded and loosely held my hand. "Now imagine being with Lala,"
We both closed our eyes and pictured Lala.
"Mirei, Sophie, look out," Lala yelled. I opened my eyes discovering I was with Yui and Lala and a black ball with heading towards us. I ran out the way but Sophie stayed, as the orb hit her it rebounded off and flew back in the direction it came from.
"So yours powers are awakening," someone said. I turned to see a girl that looked like Lala but with black hair and red eyes.
"Powers?" Yui asked
"Maybe it's something like what Sophie did," Lala suggested
"Pshuuuuuu," Sophie agreed
"Let's talk again," the girl smiled "let me tell you how Pripara was invented, long ago there were some amazing idols and they all had mysterious powers, and they were nicknamed after all their powers, first there was the Goddess, she was loved by all, after her there were the three angels, The Protecter, The Future and The Dream, last but not least there was the three queens, Courage, Pride and Kindness,"
"What does that have to do with this?" I demanded
"One day the Goddess got bored of being a Goddess and decided to reincarnate them all in the future," The girl continued
"Why do you know so much?" Lala asked
"When I was inside you I saw everything, your previous life as a Goddess, I saw them serving you as the three angels," the girl pointed at Yui, Sophie and I "and Dressing Pafe as the three queens,"
"I'm so yume confused," Yui struggled
"I think your an angel," Lala wasn't doing so well herself
"And I think your the Goddess," Yui replied
"Ehhhhhh!" Lala yelled in shock
"Oh one more thing Lala you invented the Kami Idols," the girl told us
"So we were destined to become Kami Idols?" Sophie wondered floating around.
"Wait but I'm not a Kami Idol," Yui pointed out
"What your saying sounds like a lot of nonsense!" I said
"Believe what you want," the girl rolled her eyes
"There's only two thing I believe in, myself and my friends!" Everyone turned to look at Lala. I was confused but also touched. "Maybe we are angles, Goddesses and queens, maybe we aren't but I don't care, all I want is continue having fun everyday with my friends!"
"Lala," we all smiled aside from the girl, she pretended to vomit instead.
I decided that now this girl has really started to annoy me.

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