Chapter Twenty Four

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This chapter will be the chapter of Lulu's life and we're gunna look at her backstory. I just figured it would be easier to understand the story if I did this.

Lulu's POV

Lala is always the favourite, all I ever hear is Lala this, Lala that. It's so frustrating. I watched her laughing with her friend, I know it began with an N. I sat at the back of the class in the corner with no friends and no to even pay attention to me. It's like I don't exist.
I felt something land on my head and I picked it up and looked at it. A Priticket! I finally beat Lala in something, she doesn't have her Priticket but I do! I smiled to myself and vowed that I would go to Pripara after school, I don't care about the rules.

After school I walked to Prism Stone saw how sparkly it was. I don't really belong. No it's too late to back out now, I can debute  before Lala and become a better idol than she is.
"Welcome to Prism Stone, is it your first time here?" A lady asked
"Yes," I answered shyly, I'm not that good around other people.
"Could you pass me your Priticket?" She requested
"Sure," I passed her my Priticket "Can I have a complete make over, I don't want anything about me to be the same,"
"Ok," She smiled.
She passed me back my Priticket and I headed in. When I entered I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I had long pink hair and it was down with and plait at the back. My eyes weren't red, instead they were green, like Lala's I thought angrily. I was wearing a cute little dress and shoes.
"Is this really me?" I wondered staring at myself. My new appearance gave me the confidence to make friends. Soon I was friends with everyone and was a popular idol.

A year later I was climbing up the charts and was nearly on top, I was a shining idol. One day  I entered Pripara and saw there was a live going on and decided to go check it out. Performing was Mirei, I've seen her a few times and she was pretty good. She debuted a month after me I think.  With her was someone new but I knew them. Lala. She finally got her Priticket. I became overwhelmed with hate and anger. Being an idol with my thing. I finally had something she didn't but no, she had to get it. I ran outside and just kept running and running. I didn't know where I was going. I found my self in the middle of the woods beside a lake. I reached down to touch the water as if in a trance. Suddenly the water turned black and it was like I was being absorbed by it. It was as if all my rage and hatred had turned the lake black.
"You who holds so much hatred in her heart must be punished for being consumed by the darkness, now live your life as a part of them who you detest so much," I heard as I fell.

When I woke up I heard a voice.
"Arigato Minna," I was in a dark room with what looked like a screen of what someone was seeing.
"Lala." someone yelled and hugged the person I was seeing through. It was Mirei who hugged the person. That means I must be seeing what Lala sees. Rage boiled inside me as I remembered the words I heard. So that's what it meant. This was a nightmare and all I want is to wake up. Lala went home and went to bed but no one mentioned me. No one noticed my absence. I was late home before and it turned out my parents panicked.  Have I been forgotten??

No this isn't what I wanted!!! Damn it Lala, give me back my life. Maybe I didn't have many friends at school but Pripara was mine. And my life was mine, I don't want to be living yours!!!!!!!!

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