Chapter Six

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Lala's POV

After the little girl left there were some new people. One had blonde hair and blue eyes and they other had pink hair and purple eyes.
"Lala, just a bit more," the pink haired one smiled
"Until what?" I asked
"Until we can all be together again-Pri," the blonde said
"I don't get it," I told them
"Hurry up or soon things won't go back to the way they were," the pink urged
"We'll be stuck like this forever-Pri," the blonde insisted
Stuck like what?
The clock chimed. I'm going to wake up soon.

Shougo's POV

I wonder when she'll wake up?
I saw her perform the other day and she was pretty good.
"Oh Shougo," came a voice. I realised she was awake.
"Your awake," I pointed out the obvious.
"Yeah, I remembered my name, it's Lala," she said
"Hi, Lala," I greeted
"Hi, Shougo," she replied
"I've got to go to school, bye," I told her and went to leave.
"Wait, what's school?" She asked
"It's a place you go to learn," I informed her
"I wanna go," she demanded
"Onii-Chan the holidays are over we need to go back to school and back to our dorms," Yui came in "oh, the girls awake,"
"I remembered I'm Lala," she told Yui
"Lala wants to got to school," I informed Yui
"Ooh! She's about my age! She should yume come!" Yui cheered
"I wanna go!" Lala insisted, she seems more lively than she did last time she was awake last month. We've been keeping her at my family's house not at the dorms because Yui and I  didn't want people seeing her. I don't know why.

Lala's POV

I followed Yui to where she goes school and after she asked the headmistress if I could come for the day she agreed.
Once some lessons were over it was break.
I saw a girl with pink hair walk.
"That girl," I realised she was one of the girls from my dream.
"Whose that?" I asked Yui
"That's Hojou Sophie, she's a Kami idol and she's here to make sure that our Pripara is fine, it's her job as a Kami idol," Yui informed me
I walked away and up to her after Yui was finished.
"Where are you going Lala?" Yui asked
"To talk to her," I answered
"What the yume!" I heard Yui say as I walked away.
"Hojou Sophie," I said
"May I help you?" She asked
"Never mind, I just thought you might know me," I replied
"What?" She didn't understand
"Don't worry," I told her "bye,"
With that I walked away.

My eyes felt drowsy. Oh no it's going to happen in front of a lot of people.
I tried to run to Yui.
"Yui..." I said before my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

Yui's POV

Lala ran towards me before falling asleep.
"Ahh!" I yelled before running somewhere private.
I put Lala down onto my dorm bed and ran to find Onii-Chan.
"Onii-Chan!" I yelled
"What is it Yui?" He asked
"She fell asleep again," I whispered
"What!" He shouted
"What should we do?" I asked
"Act casual, don't let anyone see her," he instructed.
"Ok," I nodded.
"Also go get the Headmistress maybe she'll know what to do," he added
"Ok," I went to go but stopped "what do you thinks wrong with her?"
"Who knows?" He replied

Lala's POV

The two girls were back.
"Lala, your running out of time, remember already-Pri," the blonde yelled
"I'm trying," I shouted back
"Lala, find me," the pink said "get me to know what I should know, I'm right there,"
"I don't understand," I told them
"Perform with me," the pink said
They disappeared again.

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