Chapter Sixteen

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Yui's POV

I snuggled into my covers and closed my eyes.
"Yume good dreams," I smiled to myself
"Lala!" I waved at Lala in her Pripara form. For some reason she was wearing a kami idol dress.
"Yui..... protect Lala," she told me
"Yume?" I'm confused
"Tell Lala this Don't trust the one who seems to help, then ask what's going on, I don't have much time left....." with that she disappeared

Suddenly Lala not in Pripara form appeared.
"Dream erasure," she muttered and her eyes went black.

That was when I woke up.
"Lala!" I yelled "I had the weirdest dream ever!"
I began shaking her awake.
"Just five more minutes," she turned away
"Lala!" I shrieked
"Nani!" She woke up
"Finally," I sighed "I had a weird dream!"
"What about?" She wondered still looking half asleep
"There was-" suddenly it felt like my dream had gone.
"There was what?" Lala looked confused
"I don't remember," I frowned
"Ok well............ WE'RE LATE TO SCHOOL!!!" Lala screamed looking at her alarm clock.
"Yume!" I yelled as I realised what she said was true.

We rushed around getting ready as quick as possible when finally we began the sprint to get food.
Then we realised that it won't be open since class starts in.......

"30 SECONDS!!" I began to sprint again. Lala following.
"5.....4......3......2...." we ran into the classroom "1..."
"Manaka-San, Yumekawa-San, well done you just made it," the teacher informed us
We sighed in relief.

I still need to ask Lala about..... about what?

Trust help?

Don't trust...... seems...... help?

I got it!!!!

That's the only thing I can remember... odd.

At lunch I decided to talk to Lala.

"Lala, can I talk to you.... in private?" I asked
"Capisce," she smiled

When we were away from everyone I began to explain.
"The only thing from my dream I can remember is...." I started "don't trust the one who seems to help,"
Lala froze.

Lala's POV

"Don't trust the one who seems to help...."
Yui's words echoed through my mind.
How does she know those words.
"I think," I finally found my voice "I think your supposed to help me,"

I began to explain everything.

"Yumeeeeeere!" After I was done explaining Yui yelled
"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" She demanded
"I was worried you'd think I was crazy," I looked down
"Lala, I'm here for you, remember what I said the other day?" I asked
She nodded
"I meant it," I smiled
"Let's go perform together!" Lala suggested
"Yumekawa," I agreed

"Lala.... I half remember....." Yui looked happy but sad at the same time.
I smiled.
"Now all we need to do is revive My Dream and you'll remember everything," I told her.
"Really?" She looked hopeful
"I know it!" I cheered

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