Chapter Twenty One

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Lala's POV

I raced down the stairs that were behind the door. I reminded myself of what I was told and kept repeating it in my head.

Run down the stairs and turn left.

When I reached the bottom I found two paths I took the left one and found a long corridor.

Go through the door second from the right.

I found five doors and went with the one second from the right I found myself in a big room with a table in the middle and the black haired girl standing in front of me. There was something in the table.

On the table you will find a coord, there will be someone guarding it though.

The girl grinned at me. It wasn't a nice grin it was one that sent shivers down my spine.
"So we meet in person," she said in a sing song voice. I took a step back.
"I just want the coord on the table," I told her
"Your voice is shaky, don't tell me your scared how can you be scared of yourself?" She smirked
"Myself," I wondered
"Oh didn't I mention that? Why don't I get into a form your more familiar with," with that she transformed into Little Me.
"You! What does this mean?" I was so confused
"Let me tell you a story, twelve years ago two babies were born, they were actually twins, one had the brightest green eyes you'd ever see the other though had red eyes, these eyes scared their parents although they chose not to worry about it," she began
"Why are you telling me this?" I demanded
"Listen! So the two babies grow up, the green eyed one grew to have purple hair and was always surrounded by friends, she stood out and was loved by all, however the red eye one her hair grew to be black and she had no friends it's as if she never existed, no one cared for her," she continued her story "eventually another sister was born and she too loved the green eyed one more than the red,"
I still failed to see why I needed to know the story but listened anyway.
"One day the red eyed one got her Priticket and went to Pripara, there everyone loved her and she finally had friends, one day a new girl came to Pripara trying to return a bag she found on the floor, instantly the red eyed one knew it was her sister, everyone grew to love her and soon forgot about the red eyed girl, one day red eyes was walking through the forest when she found a lake, it was pitch black though, curious she investigated however she fell in, next thing she knew her whole existence had been erased although not much changed, the girl found herself forced to be a part of her twin sister," the girl finished "Do you wanna know the names of these girls?"

I already knew who they were.
"Hey sis, I'm Manaka Lulu," the girl waved.

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