Chapter Twenty Eight

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Lala's POV

We only had a couple of days but I feel better getting it over and done with quickly. I feel so nervous and could barely concentrate. A lot of people have been wondering who Eternal Sky are because that's our previous team name from Ancient Pripara. After school we all raced to Pripara and went to the stage. There Lulu was waiting and a bunch of people were watching. Apparently it was so full that they also decided to live stream it outside as well as on Pripara TV.
"Do you came," Lulu smirked
We all narrowed our eyes but didn't say anything.
"Well I'm be going first," she went of the scan her Pritickets.
"Wait," I called. "You will be fair if you lose,"
"I won't lose," she stated before walking off. He others started the get annoyed at how cocky she was.

I stared in amazement at how amazing it was, although like last time it sent a chill down my spine. Something about it was cold. I gulped as I thought of how hard it will be to top it.
"Ok minna lets go," I smiled I was determined to win.
"Yep," Sophie smiled back. She put her hand on top of mine.
"We'll won for sure," Mirei put here's on top of Sophie's.
"Let's Yume go!" Yui cheered, her hand went in top of Mirei's.
"Our victory is inevitable," Shion smirked, hand on Yui's.
"Obviously we have me," Dorothy placed her hand on Shion's.
"We'll give it all we've got," Leona put her hand on top.
"1.... 2..... 3...." we all counted down. "Capisce/Yumekawa/Pshuuuu/Pri/Go/Tension Max/Relax!"
With this we headed to the stage.

(Instead of Lala it will be Yui and Falulu will be in it the whole time and the whole part where she wakes up and everyone's singing isn't in it also Lala's Falulu cause Falulu has the different coord)

We all smiled at each other after the performance. We have it all we had and that's all we can do. I closed my eyes and prayed as the results came through. I felt our stage stop and opened one eye to see Lulu below us. My eyes widen in shock.
"We won!" I ran and hugged the others. We all started laughing. I turned to Lulu but just saw a Priticket. She was gone but went by her word. I smiled to myself.

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