Chapter Nineteen

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Lala's POV

"Lala," I spun round. The girl was there. She reached out and grabbed my neck strangling me. I tried to fight but I was helpless. I felt myself losing consciousness.

Am I going to die?

"That's no good," she sighed "it's no fun if you die so easily,"

I woke up with a deep breath. I was finding it hard to breath. I touched my neck and I stung like someone had strangled me. But that was a dream right?
"Lala!" Yui climbed up "Hey what happened to your neck?"
"What do you mean?" I wondered
"It's all bruised," Yui told me
"What!" I panicked and went to check the mirror. Yui was right my neck was all bruised up.
"No way!" I couldn't believe it "So what if......"

I didn't even wanna finish that sentence. If.. if she'd actually killed me in my dream.... would that mean I'd be dead in real life?

"Yui I don't feel well," I told her "I'm not going school today,"
"Oh ok then," Yui nodded "see you later,"

And she went out for breakfast. I climbed back into bed and did some thinking. When did life get so complicated? Maybe if I managed to unfreeze Paku everything might go back to normal.
I put in some clothes and made sure to wear a scarf to cover my neck before running off to Pripara. I continued to run until I found Paku. She was frozen solid and I thought about when I was in there.

I closed my eyes and concentrated every ounce of my kami idol power on Paku. I opened my eyes to find myself floating.
"What.... what's happening?" I panicked. I looked at Paku to find myself level with the room I used to be trapped in. The ice covering the window was broken and I suddenly got the feeling I was never supposed to leave Paku. I reached out and then everything went hazy.

I woke up and I was cold. I found myself lying in the floor in a familiar room.

It was the room I was trapped in.

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