Chapter Thirty One

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Lala's POV

Ok I think I'm gunna die of embarrassment! Today's the day and it's one minute to the meeting time with Shougo..... I'm so nervous!!!
"You can yume do it Lala!" I turned to se Yui waving from a window. I smiled at her.
"Capisce!" I replied.
"Oh Manaka-San was it you who called me," I turned to see Shougo
"Now's your yume chance!" Yui told me. I looked at her with doted eyes and Shougo sweat dropped.
"Go away you baka," Shougo yelled
"Bleh!" Yui stuck her tongue out before walking away.
"So what did you need?" Shougo asked me. I blushed so hard I might explode. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine," I tried to smile but it came out wrong.
"Ok..." he didn't look like he believed me.
"The thing is........ well......... ummmmmmmm....... you see........ I like you!" I stuttered. He stood there shocked for a minute. I waited for his answer.
"Gomen," he answered. Tears welled up and I ran not wanting to hear any more. I ran back to mine and Yui's dorm room and climbed into bed. I knew it, there was no way he would like me back. I was prepared to be rejected just not well enough. I stood up and began to pack my bag and scribbled a quick note before leaving the school gates.

Yui's POV

I couldn't find Lala anywhere so I went back to the room to see if she was there, instead a bit of her stuff was gone and a note was on my bed. I picked it up and read it.
"Gomen Yui, Shougo said no so I decided to leave for a bit to train, I'll work on being an idol and controlling my powers, see you soon, Lala," I frowned in confusion at what it meant. So Lala was leaving for a bit. I don't want Lala to leave otherwise I'll be lonely. Lala is my best friend. I ran out the room crying, she didn't say how long she'll be gone, I don't know when I'll see my best friend again.
On my way I bumped into the rest of Eternal Sky, other than Lala, and they asked what was wrong. I just told them the note on my desk and kept running. When I saw Onii-Chan I ran up to him and smacked him.
"You yume yume yume baka!" I screamed.
Lala why did you have to go without saying goodbye.

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