Chapter Seventeen

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Lala's POV

"When you eat a rice cake you then lose a rice cake, if you leave your rice ball you then gain a rice ball, if you make more rice krispies they'll fall out of the bowl!" I sang as I skipped along repeating this over and over again.
This is the song Yui and I made up together so Yui can sing about all kinds of rice.
"Ow!" I fell down "Oh Shougo,"
"Lala," he smiled giving me a hand to help me up.
"Arigato," I thanked him
"Gomen for knocking you over," he apologised
I smiled.
"Don't worry about it,"
"Where are you going?" He asked
"Just some shopping, I can't really go to Pripara right now," I sighed
"Why not?" Shougo looked confused
"Oh that's a long story, it's just to do with some stuff I'm caught up in," I told him
"Is someone threatening you or something," Shougo wondered
"Nothing like that! I just need to clear my head," I insisted
"Ok, well I have nothing to do either so wanna hang out?" He asked
"Sure," I agreed

We spent all morning together having fun and talking. Just getting to know each other better. It turned out that loving rice runs in the family as Shougo also loves it.
I giggled at the thought of Yui and Shougo fighting over the last rice ball.

He helped me pick out a new outfit for the party coming up. I needed one since I don't have many other clothes, you know with my existence being erased and all.
The problem is how do I get Shougo to remember. I mean I never really affected his idol performances so I can't bring him back using that. Unless........

"Shougo how would you feel is WITH and SoLaMi SMILE did a joint concert!" I suggested
"I guess it would be fun," he thought about it.
"Capisce!" I smiled

After discussing it with the others we decided to hold it in a weeks time. There were posters and it was all over Pripara TV. Everyone was excited.

Finally the day came.

(Imagine WITH performing with them)

After the performance WITH looked kinda weird. I'm not sure if they remember or not.....

After the show I asked.
"I don't know...... I feel like I've known you before," Shougo looked confused
The others nodded.
"It's not surprising I mean before we never really spoke," I smiled.

I think they finally realised what was happening well a bit anyway, the other stuff I needed to explain. Mirei and Sophie sat waiting for them to give a big reaction. Instead they needed time to think.
"They still don't get it.... do they..." Mirei sweat dropped
"I think it's Lala explanation," Sophie was off in Sophie land. Mirei explained and they understood.
"But my explanation was good," I pouted.

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