Chapter Twelve

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Lala's POV

I'm bored!
I'm just walking around not really knowing what to do. I sat on a bench and closed my eyes.

Shougo's POV

"Which way did they go?" I wondered
I'm currently running from fangirls and I think they just ran past after I climbed a tree. I sighed.
I saw a glimpse of something purple and went to check it out.
"Lala, did she fall asleep again, how long will it take for her to wake up now!" I started panicking.
"Ohayo," Lala yawned
"Oh your awake," I went back to being cool
"By the way I thought you should know that I don't randomly fall asleep anymore, I managed to,figure out what was happening and it's stopped," she smiled
"Oh that's great," I cheered
"And.... well thanks.... you know for looking after me, and I think I saw you run to grab me as I fell from the tower," she thanked me.
"No problem, I mean I can't leave a cute girl alone," I winked. She sweat dropped. Other than Yui I don't think that's ever happened before.
"Please don't hit on me again," she said "it's weird,"
I couldn't believe it! No girl has ever spoken to me like that before....
I heard a laugh.
"What's so funny?" I demanded
"Your face!" she giggled "you look so funny!"
"Huh!" I'm so confused

Lala's POV

Shougo looked a little angry and I think I may of hurt his feelings.
"I'm sorry," I whispered
"What for?" He said through clenched teeth
"I didn't realise that you were so obsessed with what people think," I admitted
"I don't!" Shougo insisted
"If Yui told people what a cry baby you were when you were younger you'd freak out," I smirked
"Well if people found out that you used to have amnesia you'd freak out too," Shougo pointed out
"Amnesia.... oh right..." I forgot that's what Shougo and Yui thought I had.
I didn't tell them all the complicated stuff like a shard of ice in my heart separated me and my memories.
"Look It's Shougo-Kun!" Some girls squealed
"Whose the girls with him?"
"Are they dating?"

The girls stopped asking questions and decided to chase Shougo.
"Gotta go," Shougo waved
"Bye!" I waved as he ran.

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