Chapter Twenty Five

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Hi!! Another backstory just to liven it all up!! This time it's about all of their past lives. Melody-Lala Iris-Mirei Jade-Sophie Izzy-Yui Georgia-Shion Flora-Dorothy Daisy-Leona. Also Georgia is actually a girl that's why Leona gets a PriTicket when he's a guy.

Ancient Pripara had seven idols that everyone loved, they were all part of a unit and people called them all Kami Idols because of how amazing they were. However at the centre of every performance was one person, she became to be known as the Goddess and another first three were the Angels and the other three were the Queens. Their unit name was Eternal Sky.

Melody's POV

I sat there and watched another new idols performance. She was pretty good. The only problem is she was just doing it for fun. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I can't help but think that there's no goal to Pripara. Iris walked in followed by Jade.
"Where's Izzy?" I wondered.
"Oh, she heard someone having a bad dream and went to make it a good one," Iris told me. I just nodded.
"What's wrong?" Jade asked
"Well, I just can't help but feel that Pripara has no goal," I explained.
"That's true," Georgia said. I looked up and saw her, Flora and Daisy in the doorway.
"Well how about since they call us Kami Idols they have to work to achieve that title," Iris thought.
"But just one thing is boring, how about making the goal but with lots of other things," Georgia added. Those two were super smart, they can just figure it out but it sounds good.
"So it's like a ranking system," Daisy summed up.
"That sounds great, max support," Flora cheered
"That sounds good," Jade was extremely cool all the time but it weird because whenever she eats sweet things she goes really spaced out but then after a while she's back to normal.
"But isn't it boring just being a Kami Idol just cause you reached the top of the positions you can be, anyone can do it, how about it be a competition, that makes it special," I pointed out.
"We can call it the Kami Idol Grand Prix," Izzy appeared.
"That's good!" We all smiled.
I closed my eyes and imagined reprogramming Pripara I thought about everything we just came up with but saved it in the system didn't make any changes yet.
"Now we just come up with rank names," Iris got out a pen and we started saying thing that could be used. After a few days of perfecting things it was finished and I launched it, since I control the Pripara system, although if I wanted to I could also control the real world, that's why I'm know as the Goddess, I have the powers of God, I guess.
"Pripara bing bong," the announcement came on and everyone heard. "From now on there will be some changes in Pripara, first there will be rankings,"
Meganii-San explained everything to all the idols. I frowned.
"What's bothering you still?" Izzy asked me.
"Well we're all ready Kami Idols," I pointed out
"That's a good thing though," Flora smiled
"Yep," Daisy agreed
"But it's boring......" I thought about what to do. "I know how about I reincarnate us into the future so we can all do it from the beginning,"
They looked at me unsure. I just smiled and closed my eyes.
"Wait no," they yelled but it was too late. I felt myself fading away.

My eyes opened and there was a bright light. I was crying and I also knew I was a baby. I stopped crying and smiled up at the person who must be my mum. I decided that I didn't want my memories of my past life so I sealed mine and the rest of Eternal Sky. From now on we're just regular girls destined to be Kami Idols.

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