Chapter Fifteen

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Lala's POV

After I found Sophie and Mirei I asked them to make a wish. Nothing happened.
They must have perfect control over their powers. Or their powers are sealed. I don't really know....
"Is something wrong?" Yui asked for the millionth time today.
"I'm fine," I lied. Yui has been really concerned for me and it makes me happy but..... sometimes people need to know when someone doesn't want to talk about it.

Yui have me a look saying are you sure and I just smiled.
"I'm ok, really," I insisted
"Lala, I know your not and I also know your not ready to talk about it yet but I want you to know the moment you are I will be there for you," Yui looked so serious
"Arigato, Yui," I thanked her. She is such a good friend.

I laid my head down onto my pillow and thought about everything that's happened.

Really I'm just trying to figure everything out. There's so much Little Me hasn't told me but...... I feel like something's wrong.

It's just a feeling I'm getting but I don't know.... it's like there's something she's not telling me....
It's making me feel really uneasy.

I climbed onto my bed and closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me.

I saw Little Me.
"Hi," I smiled.
She didn't reply, it's like she didn't see me.

She was talking to me but I couldn't hear what she was saying. She held out the Coord if Lost Memories and smirked.
The smirk gave me a weird feeling.
I looked around and realised I was in a prison cell.

What's happening?

As I stared at the Coord of Lost Memories it began to release something dark. Another horrible feeling sank in.

Suddenly I found myself in the corner of a room and Little Me was fighting with someone. They were wearing a Kami idol dress and had long purple twin tails.
She looked like me in idol form but I couldn't see her face.

The scene changed again and the person fighting with Little Me was in front of me. I still couldn't see her face.
"Don't trust her," I heard a voice say
"Huh?" I looked around the only person was the mystery person.
"Don't trust the one that seems to help, she will destroy the world," the voice carried on.

I know that voice......

It's mine.....

woke up sweating.
"The one who seems to help," I muttered "she will destroy the world..."

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