Chapter Three

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Lala's POV

"Manaka Lala.... do I know her?" I asked myself ","
What was it again?
I don't want to be in here anymore. I want to leave. I stood up and walked towards the window, carefully I reached out and touched it. The ice melted with my touch.
"Cap.... wait what," I forgot what I was about to say.
My eyes felt hazy. Not again I was going to fall asleep again. The thought scared me.
Quickly I climbed through the small opening I had created however it's hard to fight sleep. I felt myself falling and the last thing I saw before my eyes shut was the ground and a yellow haired boy.
"Help me," I whispered.

Yui's POV

"Pripara ding dong," Meganii-San said over the speaker "from now on Pripara and Danpri will be connected be sure to greet all the male idols,"
"Yume what!" I yelled
That means Onii-Chan will be here. Nooooo! Pripara the place where I can finally be away from him.

Shougo's POV

Danpri was a great place for some quiet and not having to worry about Yui.
"Isn't this rad!" Asihi grinned
"Yes there will be a lot of female idols for us to meet," Koyoi smiled
"You mean for them to fan girl and probably steal our clothes," I corrected him
"Maybe," He smirked
"This is going to be so much fun!" Asihi cheered
"Sure," I said sarcastically.

When it finally happened and the boys and girls Pripara was finally joined we decided to look around the girls Pripara.
"I heard a rumour that somewhere there's an abandoned area and there sleeps a beautiful idol," Koyoi told us
"Let's check it out!" Asihi suggested
"Ok," I agreed
So we went.

"We're completely lost," I complained
"Well let's keep looking for it," Asihi said
"Let's just look for everyone else or the abandoned place," Koyoi instructed
"Fine," Asihi and I sighed
"Look I see something," I pointed out.
We ran towards it hoping that it would be something that could help. It turned out that it was a giant monster frozen in ice.
"Wow," We all said shocked but amazed.
"What happened here?" I asked "is that a girl falling?"
There was a girl falling from the monster.
"Quick get her," Asihi yelled.
We all ran forwards and I reached out to catch her.
"Ow!" I shouted as she landed in my arms.
"Help me," she whispered before she fell asleep.
I tried to wake her up but nothing I did would work.
"Why won't she wake up!" I panicked.

Lala's POV

Why is there always darkness when I sleep? Why won't the voices stop?
"Idols are lame,"
"I wish I never tried becoming one,"
"Idols shouldn't exist,"
"I give up,"
"Dreams are dumb,"

Why can't I stay awake?

Every time I wake up I hear a clock chiming. Why does the clock control me?

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