Chapter Thirty

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Lala's POV

"Ok lets play truth or dare!" Dorothy yelled with a smirk on her face. We all sweat dropped.
"That's so classic," Shion shrugged.
"I don't mind," Sophie smiled
"That does sound yume fun," Yui cheered and she then smirked at me which scared me a little.
"I'm scared," I muttered
"If Dorothy says so," Leona smiled
"The key to a perfect sleepover is playing games like that," Mirei narrowed her eyes.
In the end it turned out Shion really did want to play so we did. I was still terrified. I mean I recently told Yui a secret because I needed her help and she keeps looking at me and laughing.
"Ok Lala," I froze as Yui pointed to me. "Truth or dare!"
"Ummmmmmmmmmm........" which one. "Dare!"
Oops I think I made the wrong choice but I just said something random. Yui started laughing again.
"Then I yume dare you to ask out your crush," she nodded happy with herself.
"Ehhhhhh!" The others yelled.
"It's not a crush.... more like an interest," I tried to tell them.
"Little Lala has grown up," Dorothy started to fake cry
"Congratulations!" Sophie and Leona said at the same time
"I can't believe it," Mirei was shocked.
"Who is it," Shion wondered
"I'll go beat up the guy who stole Lala's innocence!" Mirei snapped out of it
"It's just an interest," I sweat dropped.
"Ehehehehehheeheheheeh!!!!!" Yui was daydreaming
"But why did you tell Yui and not us?" Sophie asked
"That's because Yui knows him well," I answered
"Ooh a love rival," Dorothy teased
"Ewwwww!" Yui yelled "That's yume incest,"
"Incest?" They all blinked
"Then that means..... the person Lala likes is," Mirei figured it out. I hid my face in embarrassment
"Yui's Dad," Dorothy finished. We all collapsed
"No it's her brother," Mirei yelled
"Lala likes Shougo," Shion told them
"The only reason I'll accept this is because Lala will then be my sister but if you yume ask me Lala is too yume good for my yume baka Onii-Chan," Yui started ranting.
"Anyway ask him out," Sophie smiled, suddenly she was all cool
"When did that happen?" I frowned
"Lala, you feelings are important so you must act on them," Sophie insisted still really cool.
"Phone him up!" Dorothy cheered
"Lala I agree with Sophie," Leona said. We all looked over at Sophie who had gone back to being a jellyfish.
Shion handed me a phone and blushing I called his number.
"Hello," Shougo answered. My eyes widened
"Ten o'clock tomorrow morning meet me outside the school," I yelled down the line. My eyes felt like they were spinning and my face was on fire.
"You can yume do better than that!" Yui cheered right before I hung up.

Shougo's POV

"You can yume do better than that!" I heard someone yell. I recognised the voice to be Yui so it must of been one her friends so it can't be anyone dangerous. I shrugged it off. I guess I'll go.

Yui's POV

I smiled at the fact that Lala would confess.

Flash back

After Lala told she liked Shougo I decided to ask him something.
"Onii-Chan," I stared at him seriously
"What's up?" He Wondered
"Is there anyone you yume like?" I asked
"That's none of your business!" He blushed
"Onii-Chan," I looked at him. I wasn't joking I needed to know. I don't want Lala to get hurt.
"Y-yeah," he looked away
"Do I yume know her?" I demanded. I need to know.
"Yeah," he looked down.
"You won't yume tell me who it is, will you," I said. He shook his head.
"Ok," I walked away.

Flashback over

Onii-Chan is you hurt Lala I'll never forgive you. She's my precious friend.

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