Chapter Twenty Seven

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Lala's POV

There are still so many things I want to do and I don't have long. I pondered on what to do.
"Alright!" I yelled out. "I'll just have to live life to the fulled,"
A bunch of girls stared at me and I carefully sat down. I was at Pripara in the cafe with Yui, Sophie, Mirei and Dressing Pafe. Apparently Dressing Pafe also had the same dream although for some reason they couldn't seem to get inside Paku. Anyway we were deciding on the best course of action.
"I think that we should go back but this time we'll have Dressing Pafe-Pri," Mirei told us
"Pshuuuuuu, I'm not so sure," Sophie said. They completely ignored my out burst. I sweat dropped.
"Geez I bet if we were there she would of been child's play," Dorothy bragged.
"Dorothy relax," Leona said
"But she's so yume strong!" Yui complained
"It's alright, together we're invincible," Shion encouraged.
"Pripara ping pong, today a new idol will be debuting," Meganii-San said, we all decided to check it out.

We all stared in shock at the Idol.
"No way......" I couldn't stop staring
"How is she here?" Mirei demanded
"Oh yume......." Yui started panicking
"Isn't that....." Shion narrowed her eyes
"Tension max," Dorothy yellled
"I have a bad feeling, relax," Leona sweet dropped
"Pshuuuuuu, oh no," Sophie went into jellyfish mode.
"Hey minna, I'm Lulu!" Lulu smiled at the crowd. Then she began her song.

(I love Garara but she fits Lulu's description so just pretend she had red eyes and it's not Garara's song)

Everyone but us was cheering however we all stared at each other a bad feeling taking over. I stared back at Lulu feeling horrible. What will happen next........
Suddenly Lulu held up a Priticket.
"I challenge Eternal Sky," Lulu smirked, "This will be the prize,"
She held up the thing that will save my life.

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