Chapter Seven

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Lala's POV

"They pressured you, didn't they?" Little me appeared
"What does everyone want from me?" I asked
"We want you to put everything right," she told me
"How?" I wondered
"Only you know the answer to that," Little me said
"Should I perform with the pink girl then?" I questioned
"You can't help anyone until you help yourself, remember," she said before disappearing "take this,"

I picked up what she dropped.
How can I remember? I don't understand.

The clock chimed. It's time to wake up.

Yui's POV

Something appeared in Lala's hand. A my ticket?

A few weeks ago when Lala was last awake we called the headmistress after she fell asleep again. She said just to treat her like normal and somehow they'll figure out why she keeps falling asleep.
"Yui," She said
"Your awake?" I noticed
"Yep, I need to go back to Pripara," she said
"Sorry I'm about to leave for breakfast," I told her.
"Don't worry I'll go on my own," she smiled. Why every time does she get more lively?
"I thought you hated idols," I frowned
"I do?" She wondered
"Yeah, you said that," I reminded her
"I don't remember that," she shook her head "I'll be at Pripara,"
"Ok, have a good day," I smiled.
"Bye!" She waved

Lala's POV

I entered Pripara and found myself looking for something or someone.
"Lala," a girl appeared behind me.
"Do I know you?" I asked
"You used to," she told me "I'm Falala,"
"Can you help me?" I asked, she knew something
"I'm not allowed to say, the system stops me," she told me
"The system?" I asked confused
"Go back to Paku," she instructed
"Paku?" What she said made no sense. She walked away.
"Wait," I called after her. She didn't respond.
I began to walk around. Whose Paku?
I looked at what Little Me gave me. It was a blank my ticket. I found myself in front of a monster.
"Paku," I said. How did I know that. This frozen monster is where Falala told me to go.
I reached out to touch him and the my ticket happened to be in that hand. The moment it touched the my ticket began to glow.
"What's going on?" I asked. I began to get sucked into Paku.
"Help me!" I yelled. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

When I opened them I found Little Me.
"You found me," she smiled.
"Where am I?" I asked
"Your inside Paku where I'm sealed, I'm your memory," she told me
"My memory?" I wondered
"I could only talk to you in your dreams before but not all the time, and the only reason you could stay awake was because I was using my Kami idol power to keep you awake, but I can't keep it up for long," she informed me
"I don't understand," I frowned
"Here," she sent something into the blank my ticket.
"Perform with this coord," she instructed "It's the coord of lost memories,"
"Ok," I nodded, there was a flash of light and I was outside again.
"I need to perform," I smiled. I began to feel tired. No not now!!!!!

I fell down and slept.

"Lala, your so close," the pink smiled
"Quickly you need to perform-Pri," the blonde insisted
"I can't, not until I wake up again," I told them
"Here, we'll use our Kami idol power/Pri," they both said.

I heard the beep ring.

I woke up. No time had passed.
"I need to get to the stage!" I ran.

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