Chapter Twenty Six

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Lala's POV

I woke up sweating and nervous. The dream I had made me nervous, first I was fighting some girls with Sophie, Mirei and Yui, then I saw this girls life and something bad that happened to her and before I woke up I dreamt of all of us making Pripara into what it was. What a weird dream. I looked down to see if Yui was still sleeping and she was sitting up and looked confused.
"What's wrong?" I wondered. Yui looked up at me.
"Nothing it was just a dream," Yui forced a smile.
"Me too," I frowned. I didn't really want to talk about it since it sounds a bit crazy and makes me seem a bit full of myself, I mean I'm not a Goddess. No way. Thinking about it now it seems so silly but my dream felt so real. I shrugged it off and got ready for school.
"Yui....." I considered telling her, after all it might have something to do with what's been happening lately. But the thing is I'm also scared. The girl said that I was going to die soon.... if that's true. Suddenly Yui hugged me. "Is something wrong?" I asked
"It's just something in my dream," Yui told me. I felt something wet and realised Yui was crying. "Lala were you fighting your twin in your dream?" Yui wondered, she was so quiet that I barely heard her. I froze. Tears began to fall from my face too.
"So it wasn't a dream...." I realised. Suddenly I saw a flash of white and remembered exactly what happened.

Flash back

After my speech the girl threw another dark orb at us and we barely dodged, Mirei yelled out something about using our powers. I wasn't sure at first since who knows if the girl was telling the truth. I tried using magic like I was told I could and so did the others. I could hear the girl laughing but we still tried. Suddenly a giant explosion happened and I saw everything reversing its self.

Flash back over.

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