Chapter Fourteen

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Lala's POV

"Ca-pi-sce! Ca-pi-sce!" I chanted as I picked up a lot of weeds.
"I wish that the weeds would just pick themselves!" I yelled
Suddenly the weeds began to pick themselves.
"What the! What's going on?" I was confused

A golden light surrounded me and I found myself face to face with Little Me.
"This is bad," she told me
"What is!" I demanded
"What ever you do don't make anymore wishes!" Little Me instructed
"Why not?" I asked
"Because the Kami idol can have the powers of a god, even outside of Pripara, and right now yours are going out of control," she explained
"Why?" I questioned
"Not all of the ice was removed, actually there was never a shard of ice there to begin with, you whole heart is incased in ice, you just removed the part that blocked your memories,"

I sighed as I thought about what I was told. My Kami idol powers are out of control and unless I do something quick..........
I shivered as I remembered what else I was told.

I can tell anyone about this...... no one because then I'd have to prove it, and in doing that I'd break my promise.
"Lala what's wrong?" Yui asked
"It's nothing," I faked a smile
"Ok...." she didn't seem convinced

I know I'll ask Sophie and Mirei to make wishes and see if the same happens to them.

I hoped of my bed, even though it was top. That hurt.
"Ouch!" I complained
"Where are you going?" Yui wondered
"Just out," I replied

I ran around a bit in search of them. It was a Saturday so I don't have school today, which is helpful... but not because now I don't know where they are and that's not helpful. I ran around like a mad person trying to find them.
"Where are they!" I yelled in frustration
"Yo," I spun around
"It's just you," I sighed as I payed my eyes on WITH.
"Just us," Shougo raised his eyebrows "that hurt,"
"Ahh! Sorry, I didn't mean it like that!" I insisted
"What's wrong?" Koyoi asked
"Well I can't find Mirei or Sophie," I explained
"We'll help you look," Asihi offered
"Arigato," I smiled
"Ok we'll split into two team, I'm with Asihi," Koyoi instructed
"Ok," Asihi smirked
"You two," Shougo growled
"Oh sorry did you not want to be with me?" I wondered
"Oh no! It's not that, something else," Shougo protested
"Well lets go!" Asihi dragged Koyoi off
"Bye!" Koyoi smiled
"Bye!" I waved
"Let's look," Shougo started to walk away

I ran to catch up with him. We looked everywhere and couldn't find them.
"I wish we could-" I covered my mouth.
Shougo looked at me weirdly.

Shougo's POV

"I wish," she started and her eyes changed to a golden colour "we could-"
She stopped talking and her eyes went back to normal.
"What?" She looked confused
"Nothing," I told her.

But what was up with her eyes?

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