10 | iMessage

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Thomas [BabyBoy🌙]
Blanca [MiReina🌈]

My love
I'm sorry
I know you texted me two days ago but my phones been acting up
I just got a new one

Story time!
I ran into this girl and she wanted me to FaceTime you so she can meet you
I was like "Oh I'm sorry my phones not working" which was true but also it's pretty weird and invasive to do
But she didn't believe me at all
And ended up being so rude
And told me to go eff myself

I know it's like 3 in the morning over there but my anxiety has been acting up
I feel really overwhelmed
I want to call you but I don't want to wake you
Please call me if you see this
Your voice is a constant I need

It's now three in the morning here and I can't sleep
You are probably super busy
I'm sorry I'm spamming you
I just miss you a hell of a lot

This is one of those times, right? Where we just aren't on the same page. We keep missing each other. And nothing's fitting together and it feels like we aren't going to make it. Long distance is honestly the hardest thing I've ever done and every time we have days like this I want to fucking give up. I hate not being with you. I hate not having you near. We've been doing this for over a year now and honestly, is it worth it? Are we worth it?

I'm finally getting sleepy and it's 10 in the morning
Goodnight Tom
I love you 💜

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