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"This week's vlog is gonna be a little different

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"This week's vlog is gonna be a little different. Because big things are happening. Y'all are about to see me be hella emotional."

[vlog intro plays]

"Something big is happening in my life: I'm moving. Not just house, I am moving out of LA." [laughs nervously] "I know this might seem like it's coming out of nowhere for a lot of you, but this has been something I've been thinking about very seriously for over half a year now."

"I actually just got back from a goodbye party at Luke's. I didn't vlog it because I was a complete mess. Everyone I love from LA was there and I couldn't stop crying. Then they had the audacity to start saying their favorite memories with me, how dare they?"

"My flight is tomorrow at 8 in the morning and Luke and Jax are taking me. I don't have to check in any baggage because I already sent everything either to my new house or to my parents house for safekeeping, so I only have a carry on. I'm also not flying directly to my new house, I'm gonna spend like 4 full days at my parents before leaving from there."

"I'm not saying where I'm moving yet for reasons - mainly because I love the drama. But also because, actually no. Drama is pretty much the only reason."

"I'm both nervous and excited about this move. I've never lived where I'm moving to and that alone makes me super nervous. I do know people who live there, so that calms me down some. But still. It's a new chapter of my life, or whatever metaphor you want to use, and it's just a smidge terrifying."

[phone chimes] "It's Tom." [pause] "He said 'You better be going to sleep soon because you suck at waking up early.' Yeah okay babe, whatever you say."

"So I will see y'all in the next clip which will probably me saying goodbye to the gays - and sobbing. Sobbing is probably going to be the ongoing trend in this video."

Where do y'all think B is moving???

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