15 | Real Life

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Tom and Blanca were holding hands. It was awkward and stiff and caused Blanca's hand to sweat more than it normally would. But at least they were holding hands. That's what Tom kept thinking to himself to bring some sort of comfort. The group of 16 people they were in were exiting one of the mazes and laughing at each other because of the amount of screaming that had just happened. 

"Guys every time I go through a scary maze or whatever, I remember how much I hate getting scared and that I am genuinely the easiest person alive to scare." Blanca said after she pulled out her camera, "Tom, what did you think of that one?"

Tom moved in to be more in frame, "I didn't scream as much in this one as the last one. I'd say that is a win for me. You on the other hand,"

"Wow babe," Blanca laughed, both of them looking at each other, "I would argue but you basically carried me the entire time for this one. It had too many clowns."

"It had one clown." Sam piped in from Tom's side.

"One too many." Blanca and Tom said at the same time and in the same tone, causing both of them to laugh. The group had started walking to the next part of the farm.

Tom continued, "Blanca hates clowns, you guys know that. That's why I had to carry her." 

"And because you guys are disgustingly adorable." Caspar said from in front of the couple.

"Honestly," Mark Ferris agreed, "I swear you guys are already married with how adorable you are all the time." 

The rest of the group agreed with random sentiments that Blanca could not make out because her ears were ringing. 

"I guess we have to get married soon." Tom said from beside her and Blanca felt her stomach drop. There was no way Tom had forgotten the fight they had just had. Yet, he still wanted to marry her. They had just gone for almost a month without having a real conversation, yet Tom had thrown the idea of marrying her into the mix. Blanca couldn't help think if this was his way of apologizing? Or was he just trying to say what would please everyone with them?

Blanca realized she was still holding the camera up and filming, "With that very heartfelt proposal from Thomas, we are moving to the hay ride thing so I can poop myself very publicly and die of embarrassment."

Blanca put her camera into her jacket pocket as Tom wrapped his arm around her waist. They were now standing, waiting for their turn to get on.

"Are you ready for this?" Tom asked, looking down at Blanca and smiling.

"No, I'm scared shitless."


Double meaning, or double meaning?

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