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@blancanieves: the leaves are changing (I mean they would be if I lived anywhere other than LA) 🍁🍂📸: @harryholland641

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@blancanieves: the leaves are changing (I mean they would be if I lived anywhere other than LA) 🍁🍂
📸: @harryholland64
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@username1: Wait, she's back in LA?

@username2: I don't think so @username1, no one posted about her leaving London

@harryholland64: One of my favorite shots 👌🏼

@username3: Isn't she supposed to be in London for like a month?

@username4: Who said that @username3

@username1: She said in her blog post that this time around she was packing for a month long trip @username4 @username3 - that's why I was asking

@username5: Didn't she say she was packing a months worth?

@username2: ^Im pretty sure that was it, I don't think she was actually going to be there a month

@username6: I JUST REREAD THE BLOG POST - she said she was going to be gone for almost a month this time...

@username1: but is she still in London or is she back?

@username7: The Unholy Trinity hasn't posted anything about her being back so I don't think she's back

@username8: And why would she come back so early anyway?

@username6: If she is back, she was barely there for two weeks

@username9: Are y'all suggesting that her and Tom broke up?

@username10: ^ or that they could have had a fight - let's not jump to extremes

@username1: Wait, has Tom liked or commented on this picture?

@username2: NOPE I refuse to believe any of this - y'all are reaching

@username11: Guys we don't even know if she's back in LA, it could just be a caption

@lukepeters: Y'all chill - Blanca isn't back in LA

@sonofjack: Making a mountain out of a mole hill like always

@username12: Hate to break it to you, but I was at LAX picking up my sister and I saw Blanca there two days ago...

@username1: O M F G

@username2: Okay maybe y'all aren't reaching

@username5: Why didn't Luke and Jax know she's back?

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