20 | Phone Call

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JackAss☠️ is calling
Accept - Decline


"Why do you sound confused?"

"Because you don't call me. The last time you called me was because you hand fell asleep and you wanted me to come over and make you a quesadilla."

"I call you. Just not that often. And anyway I should be the one who is confused."

"Please don't be dramatic right now."

"You have been in LA for a week now Blanca. You haven't texted anyone once. We checked. You didn't tell ANYONE that you were coming home early - not your family, not Abbi or Annalise, not us. I tried texting Tom but he is being stiff as hell. What is happening?"

"I know Luke told you - Tom had a call back and I didn't want to distract him."

"Wow okay, whatever Blanca. If you want to keep whatever happened to yourself, that's you. What you don't get to do is disappear and not talk to anyone for an entire week. The only reason we knew you are alive is because you are uploading videos and would tweet about them."

"Please stop being dramatic. I'm fine. I'm at my house. Everything is fine."

"It sounds like you need to convince yourself more than you need to convince me,"

"I have to go - I'm editing photos for my blog."

"Yeah okay."

Call ended 

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