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Thomas [BabyBoy🌙]
Blanca [MiReina🌈]


Everything okay?

We haven't talked since October

Isn't that what a break is?
I'm not being sarcastic or anything like that, I've never done this before so I don't know

I guess it is
I miss you

I miss you too Thomas

I shouldn't have suggested us taking a break

I shouldn't have left

Can I call you?

I just got home so yeah

BabyBoy🌙 is calling
Accept - Decline

"Hey there."

"Hey B."

"How have you been?"

"I've been...I've been. I can't lie - it's been the worst not talking to you. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I wanted to talk to you but I felt like I couldn't. Even before I was in London I felt like that."

"My love you can always talk to me. Even if you feel like you can't. Especially when you feel like you can't. Wow I sound like my mom."

"Your mom probably hates me."

"She could never hate you. She told me that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I need to get off my ass and fix it."

"Funny - my dad told me the same thing. He probably said it meaner than your mom did, though. My cousins are mad you didn't come for Christmas. They all cussed me out."

"Your dad isn't mean - I can't imagine him being mean to his princesa for the life of me. I wanted to go, believe me."

"He totally can be - even more when it comes to him thinking I ruined what he calls 'your endgame relationship'."

"Wow, I guess our parents are our biggest fans." [drawn out pause] "B - I'm sorry I pushed you away."

"It's not your fault. It's not like I fought it, I just let it happen. I was - never mind."

"Tell me. Your feelings on this are valid, I know you struggle with that sometimes babe."

"I knew that we were hitting the stage in our relationship where things were going to change and I was scared that we would end up like Katie and I did. And in a way we did. I mean, you said pretty much the same thing she said about the bubble popping or whatever. And I shut down from there."

"Blanca, I need you to hear this. You and I aren't you and Katie. You can't compare us to what y'all were. Relationships are supposed to grow and change and develop. We should be glad we aren't at the same place we were at the start."

"I wish I wasn't fucked up."

"You aren't - you had a bad experience. But you can't let that keep you from having new experiences."

"I don't remember you being this smart."

[laughs] "It comes and it goes."



"Can we take it slow?"

"Whatever you want mi reina."


Well well well, look who is finally talking. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I just barely got through finals weeks and needed time to come back from that.

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