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"I love this video

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"I love this video. I get to talk about my all time favorite thing. I'm going to ramble and go on tangents and I don't even care."

[intro plays]

"Hello my loves! My name is Blanca and this is my life. I asked you guys to send in your questions about Tom's and my relationship using the hashtag "We Are the Bom" - I honestly laughed so hard when I came up with that. Let's get into it."

@zalfiejunkie: What was the last thing the two of you texted about? #WeAreTheBom

"He is in China right now for the premiere there so we were talking about that. I also happened to mention that his costars are hot and he may or may not have gotten a little bit jealous. But like it's not my fault his costars are hot - I didn't cast them."

@hollander2013: Favorite memory with the other. #WeAreTheBom

"I have so many with him to be honest. One of them is when he came down to spend Noche Buena with me and my family. He was here the night we were making the tamales - and that boy actually helped. Like damn, I never thought that a native of southwest London would help with the tamales the whole damn time. It was a freaking incredible moment. After that, everyone in my family approved of him. ALSO! The two weeks I spent in London to bring in the New Year's with the Holland family was great. They treated me like family - I love them so much."

@mcuxholland: What's something that you do that annoys Tom? #WeAreTheBom

"I like this question. Honestly, I have so many annoying habits. There is one thing I do that I know ticks him off so much and then I laugh when he gets annoyed which makes him mad. I have this thing where anytime I'm trying to prove a point I say "pero like" and I don't know how I started saying it but now I'm never stopping because I know it's annoying to him. Pero like, Tom you are stuck with me so get used to it."

@babbleswithblanca: What's your favorite thing Tom has worn on the red carpet? #WeAreTheBom

"YALL! Do you remember that maroon suit at the Oscar's after party. We discussed that suit in LENGTH in the Unholy Trinity group chat. That look cleared my skin, and blessed my life. Fucking incredible to be honest."

@ballingercolleen: Why did y'all wait before announcing the two of you together? #WeAreTheBom

"Having been on the Internet so long - and having put so much of my life out there and for everyone to see, I know how people are. There are a lot of people, not all of you but some, that feel that the moment I share a small part of an aspect of my life that that means they have a right to that entire aspect. It happened with Katie, it happens when I vlog with my family. They take it a step too far. I wanted to keep this relationship to myself for a while before I went out and made it public because of those people. I choose what I share with all of you, I don't put every part of my life out there. I am super open about pretty much everything, but it's because I choose to be. That's the main reason. Also we wanted to make sure we didn't break up within like the first month."

@mirandasang: Where do you see the relationship in the next 5 years? #WeAreTheBom

"Five years sounds like a long time, but this past year of dating has gone by so fast. It's crazy. But if we are still together in five years that boy better have proposed already or about to propose. He knows how I feel about all of this. But yeah, that's where I see us but whatever is supposed to happen is gonna happen."

"Thank you guys so much for all the questions. If you want me to do another one of these, make sure you give this video a thumbs up. Check out last week's vlog and main video if you haven't already. Thanks for watching, I'll see in my new vlog. Love ya!"

[outro plays]

"DAMN IT! I just realized I could have used the hashtag Biddi Biddi Bom Bom. That would have been epic."

Look who finally updated 🙃

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