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@blancanieves: I know we are still in September but Halloween is coming soon and I don't know what to be? HELP!1!1!1
@laurdiy: It's the second week of September...you usually have your costume by now - what's the matter with you?
@blancanieves: I don't know!!! There are too many options
@blancanieves: Would y'all be mad mad if I'm something basic?
@blancanieves: I mean I'm probably still gonna do it, but I'm just wondering

@tomholland1996: I think Blanca forgets we decided that we were doing a couple costume this year
@lukepeters: @ her Tom
@username1: But y'all aren't going to be together for it ?
@username2: Unless they are?!?
@username3: Well are you?
@tomholland1996: Maybe we will be, maybe we are just going to be extra

@blancanieves: Tom lives for the drama lowkey, don't let him fool you with his little innocent act - HE LOVES BEING DRAMATIC
@tomholland1996: You stopped talking to me for almost a whole week because you read a fanfic that I cheated on my girlfriend, but go off
@blancanieves: BuT gO oFf
@tomholland1996: Anyway, I was thinking we go as Bonnie and Clyde
@sonofjack: Uh no! @lukepeters and I are doing Bonnie and Clyde.
@lukepeters: "Hey Luke do you ever wonder why people ship us?" THIS IS WHY JAX

@blancanieves: Everyone is hella testy today - I love it

@blancanieves: To everyone tweeting us, Tom and I are going to be together for Halloween
@blancanieves: Tom misses me too much to go so long without seeing me
@tomholland1996: You were crying the day after I left about how much you miss me
@username4: *grabs popcorn*
@username5: I hate when my parents fight...
@chrisevans: Tom you *probably* shouldn't have called her out like that
@blancanieves: Yeah Tom, listen to Chris

@blancanieves: Tom cried when we said bye too so I don't know who he is trying to fool
@zendaya: Yo, what is happening? Why are y'all so savage 😂
@zoella: I think you and Tom should just admit that you BOTH miss each other and move on Blanca ... or keep arguing, both are chill with me
@blancanieves: ....maybe

@tomholland1996: I miss Blanca a lot guys. She's my favorite human and I hate being away from her
@blancanieves and 1.6K others liked

@blancanieves: Being in a long distance relationship is hard and I miss Tom more than I let on
@tomholland1996 and 1.7K others liked

@blancanieves: ENOUGH SAPPINESS...Tom and I are probably going to be a chicken nugget and dipping sauce for Halloween

I FINALLY UPDATED! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes - y'all are the best. :)

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