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"Hello everyone! My name is Blanca and this is my life

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"Hello everyone! My name is Blanca and this is my life."

[intro plays]

"As you can tell I am not in LA or in what you guys know as my bedroom at my parents'. My parents, though, just finished building their new house. And I'm in one of the guest rooms because my room is still being painted and stuff."

"By the time this video is live I will be back in LA, but I will most probably be sleeping all day every day, because all I've been doing since the second week of December is spending all the time in the world with my family and barely getting any sleep at all."

"My cousin and I were picking up his girlfriend from university in San Antonio after she finished up her fall semester. While we were there, we stopped by one of the dance studios I used to work at when I lived there for like 3 months. If you remember when I lived in San Antonio, you are a real one. Anyway, we danced for a really long time just messing around. But then when we got to La Bicicleta we got really serious and I decided to film it. So that's what this week's video is - my cousin, his girlfriend and I dancing. I hope you guys enjoy it, if you want to see me dance more, leave comments down below and let me know to what songs. I will see you guys on Friday with another vlog!"

[dance clip plays]

[outro plays]


Hello, yes. Somehow I hurt my shoulder and I am in so much pain every time I move it and typing this chapter was almost impossible because of it. But here's a drama free chapter + dance clip above. Next chapter will have Tom in it.

Also I've been working on a mcu au type of story for a while now, would y'all be interested in reading it? Lmk

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