13 | Group Chat

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Unholy Trinity 😈🖤
Luke [LameAss👀]
Jackson [JackAss☠️]
Blanca [BasicAss💋]

How's London hoe?

You haven't texted us once
We had to find out you landed through snap
And that was 3 whole ass days ago
You fake

Y'all know I'm the worst with jet lag
I've been spending time with Tom
My bad for hanging out with my boyfriend
Jax you could have texted me

yOu CoUlD hAvE tExTeD mE

So y'all were able to talk through the rough patch ?

We are talking
It helps that we are in the same time zone

Somethings wrong
"We are talking" - what do you mean?

I think we shouldn't pry Jax
Blanca will talk to us about it if she wants to

I do want to talk about it
Tom and I aren't talking about it at all
We are keeping everything so light and there's nothing but fluff right now
But all I keep thinking about is that fact that there was a good week and a half that we didn't talk to each other and neither of us mentioned it
I know we are both busy
But damn
We aren't talking about the real stuff and I'm scared that means our relationship isn't real anymore

You need to tell him that B
You both knew that this wasn't going to be easy. Long distance was something that you both said was going to be the hardest thing you have ever done. And yet you've managed to make it work. You've been doing it for over a year now.

And I'm tired of having to work so hard

Are you saying you want to move in with him?

You want to break up with Tom?

I gotta go - we are going over to his parents for lunch

You're really gonna leave us on this cliffhanger? With our imagination??
Read at 12:33 pm

Well...that happened.

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