14 | Real Life

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The drive from London to Tully's Farm was an extremely quiet one. No one in the car was speaking. Harrison, Harry and Sam were all asleep in the backseat, while Blanca and Tom were in the front. Tom drove as Blanca sat as still as she possibly could. She didn't dare move - not wanting to draw attention to herself in any way. The pair were both replaying the events of the night before. They dared not spark the argument they were fuming over still. Especially in front of the boys. Even more because they were meeting up with the British YouTube Crew. They just needed to make it through the next two days without exploding. Two days of being the couple that everyone loved.

"B, are you almost done editing? I want to cuddle." Tom said from the opposite side of the couch. He was sitting in just joggers, tilting his head towards Blanca. On the TV, Tom was flipping through the different shows Blanca had told him to watch.

"I'm just adding the end slate, give me like 5 minutes." Blanca smiled, looking over to Tom. He nodded at her. She rushed to finish what she was doing. This trip was to spend time with Tom after all. That was the reason for coming. Less than three minutes later Blanca moved her laptop from her lap to the coffee table and moved over to where Tom sat. She moved into his side, "Now we can cuddle my love."

The two of them had been sitting in comfortable silence while On My Block played through the third episode. Tom absentmindedly played with Blanca's hair and Blanca rubbing small circles on his other hand. There wasn't tension or pressure. Blanca had been in London for five days and yet they hadn't seem to be getting to the important stuff. Bom was only dealing with surface things. Until now.

"Do you ever get jealous?"

"What do you mean?"

"We are away from each other a lot of the time and there are times when I see you hanging out with certain people and I'm jealous because they get to spend time with you."

"I don't think I get jealous. I get mad, to be honest. I want to be with you and it's frustrating not being able to. And then I get online and try to do my job and half of my comments are about you, asking me when I'm going to see you and when I'm going to finally walk a red carpet with you and it gets tiring."

"Being with me is tiring?"

"That's not what I meant," Blanca paused, she wasn't telling the whole truth. Tom tensed up, noticing her hesitation. "I just mean that having people constantly giving their opinion on things they know nothing about it tiring to deal with."

Tom stayed quiet. But only for a moment. "You mean more than that, don't you?" Blanca stayed quiet which prompted Tom to continue. "B I know you, I know when something is wrong."

"I love you Tom, I really do. But lately we have been so off beat from each other. We aren't even playing the same song. And I feel like I can't even talk to you about it because I don't know if you have noticed it or not. That's what has been tiring - trying to learn your new song."

"It's just a rough patch. We can get through it."

"This rough patch is different." Blanca looked down at her hands not daring to make eye contact with Tom.

Tom's voice broke when he asked something that he had known was on the table for a while now, "Are you saying we aren't going to be able to do this anymore? Is this your way of breaking up with me?"

"I'm not breaking up with you. I'm just wondering why neither of us gave a fuck when we didn't talk to each other for almost two weeks. Or why I don't feel like I can text you anymore when my anxiety is being a bitch. Or why you didn't call me to tell me how much the press tour tired you. Telling each other things came naturally to us and now we barely even speak."

"We live on different continents."

"And. It's. Fucking. Tiring."

"I don't understand - this wasn't a problem before."

"That isn't the problem. The problem is that neither of us seemed to notice that we don't talk anymore. We are barely a couple with how little we talk."

"We are both busy Blanca. You have your career and I have mine."

"Yes I completely understand that. Believe me, I do. What I don't understand is that I have only been able to FaceTime with you 3 times in the last 4 months, and only once did that FaceTime last over 10 minutes."

"It's kind of hard to FaceTime you when you are always with Ingrid, Joey, Luke, Jax and everyone else you actually spend time with."

"Don't do that. Don't attack me for hanging out with people who have been my friends since before I knew you. Actually, don't attack me period. I have been trying to make this an us against the problem thing and you just turned this to a me against you thing."

"I'm not attacking you. I just want you to know what it feels like for me when you don't answer."

"Okay so what about you not answering me? Don't you think I feel the same way?"

"When I don't answer you it's because I'm in meetings."

"That's why I don't answer you - don't you dare think for one second that when I'm hanging out with my friends I ignore your calls because I don't."

"But my meetings are actually real ones." Tom realized what he said after it was too late, "I don't think we should do this right now. Not in the heat of the moment."

"Too fucking late."

Tom pulled in the car to the parking spot that was marked for them, the boys in the back seat finally coming to. Blanca moved to grab her iced coffee from the cup holder at the same moment Tom did, their hands briefly touching. Tom opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Sam.

"If you two have a better room than us, I will riot and then come and stay with you."


Bom is fighting. In person. My heart is breaking.

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