33 | Real Life

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Blanca sat with crossed legs on the couch in her backyard. Her hands were fidgeting with the piece of paper Tom had handed her before walking back inside with a smile on his face. He'd been here for two days and they were some of the best two days the couple had ever spent together. Neither of them worked, choosing to take the days off to spend actual time together. Each of them had brought up moving in together on different occasions but always casually and never actually getting into the the details of what that life decision would mean. Today, though, Tom decided to change that. He'd woken up before Blanca, a fact he was incredibly proud of. He wrote the list that Blanca was now holding in her hands. He then attempted to make breakfast for Blanca, which is what woke her up. After cooking, they moved to the backyard to enjoy their breakfast on the patio. The conversation light and comfortable. Tom decided to clear the plates and give the piece of paper to Blanca so she would have time to process it without pressure.

She could recognize his handwriting anywhere - the birthday cards, the random notes he would leave her. His handwriting filled the page but Blanca could not comprehend the words the letters were forming.


A list by Tom Holland

PRO: I can spend more time with Blanca - a LOT more time.

CON: Blanca will realize how bad I am at cooking - even more than she realizes it now.

PRO: We can have a home together.

CON: I can no longer just hide my face during FaceTimes when I have a bad breakout.

PRO: One step closer to getting married.

CON: Blanca is mean when she is sick.

PRO: Two words: Holiday. Decorating.

CON: I'm going to spend all my money on Christmas trees probably.

PRO: Living with the love of my life.


Blanca tried really hard to force the tears back in after the 20th time she read the list. The thoughts in her head were not making any sense to her. She knew a side of her was ecstatic: the idea of living with Tom brought joy to her. There was also the logical, guarded side of her. That side was giving her facts of why she should reject this offer. She was young. This was only her second relationship. They had just gotten over a 'break'.

They'd gotten through it.



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